Day 95. Wow, five days until my 100th blog. I'll have to do something special for it, haha. Anyway, today was my first full day with Paul (the baby). It began at 1:30 in the morning. Yeah, uh-huh. It cried, waking me up. I just had to change its diaper, so I got back to sleep quickly... For ten minutes. Upon waking up again, it needed to be fed, I believe. That took a good ten minutes. Then, it woke me up once more, but it just needed to be rocked. It's better than waking up at longer intervals, I guess. Anyway, my REAL day began at 7:00, which came very quickly after that episode. I woke up and got ready for driver's ed. Luckily, I got some free time so I could turn off the baby from 8:00 to 11:00, while it lasted. The rest of the day went pretty smoothly with the baby, and I really didn't do much. Well, that is, until 6:00 came around. I can't remember when it was exactly, but after a few hours of silence, my brother poked the baby in the foot or something... And it began crying. It's not touch sensitive, so I was a bit creeped out. The rest of the night was like that, unfortunately. It cried a TON. I had to feed it, like, four times. It was fussy a few times, which meant three straight minues of hard crying. Plus, I got my first head support. When you let the baby's head fall, you lose a lot of points and it cries for, like, 10 minutes straight... HARD. It was horrible. And the worst part? I didn't drop its head! That's right. It malfunctioned, causing me to lose a lot of points and have a freakout. Not pleasant. Anyway, the only other thing I did today was practice for my drum solo with a teacher for about a half hour at school. And that was my Saturday! Pretty lame, kinda crappy... I dunno haha. Not to mention I still feel kinda sick. The bright side? The baby turns off in about 21 hours. And, Portal 2 comes out either tomorrow or Monday morning. Oh joy of joys! Well let's just hope I can make it through another night and day. Wish me luck once more! Night, and seeya!
Question of the day: Are you looking forward to Portal 2?
Question of the day: Are you looking forward to Portal 2?