Day 96. Well, today was a pretty good day, all things considered. I got up at 3:00 or so with Paul. He first needed to be changed, which was easy. Next, he had to be fed from 3:45 to 4:10 or so, which was TORTURE. Anyway, afterwards he let me get a good three more hours of sleep... Then I had to get up and get ready for church. He was on quiet time during that, which was pretty good. He turned back on at 11:00, which was during Sunday School... But didn't cry. In fact, he didn't cry again till much later. The rest of the day was pretty meh. I actually got on Animal Crossing for the first time in... A loooong time to play with some friends. That was pretty sweet, I gotta say. Paul was pretty good the rest of the day. Funny story with him, actually. So I brought him upstairs from the basement and a few minutes later, he cried. I discovered he needed a diaper change... But realized I didn't have his diaper! I left it in the basement!! I had to rush down and get it while he was crying hard, took me awhile to find it. While I was running back up the stairs, I tripped and hurt my foot. Then, I power slid to where Paul was sitting, put his diaper on, and the problem was averted. PHEW! After that, he didn't give too bad of problems. At 7:00, he turned off! I was so happy when, in the middle of his feeding, he shut off. I don't think I did too bad, but we'll see tomorrow (actually, I know because I'm writing this blog from the FUTURE! But I'll save the results for the next blog 8D Anyway, until then... I think that's it. Seeya!
Question of the day: Ever been relieved to have something taken off your chest?
Question of the day: Ever been relieved to have something taken off your chest?