Shop ★ Jarachi29's Shop ★

What would you want me to give you for a Shaved Ice lamp? I don't have much to offer but I desperately want them. I can give 99k for it along with a hybrid or two (pink rose and orange cosmo).

e: I can also give you Gulliver's Australia item!
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Hi! I'm interested in the Hair Bow wig! The only hybrids I have are pink roses. I'm also willing to pay for it (within reason of course) so please let me know around how much you're looking for :)!
Farobi, hello, thank you for your offer, but I would need a lot more for a shaved-ice lamp since its value is a little high. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Hope, hello, can you offer anything from my wishlist for a Hair-Bow Wig?

kathyceeiscool, hello, how many pink roses can you add to your offer for a Hair-Bow Wig?

sproutrabiit, hello, can you offer anything from my wishlist? I have been very displeased with accepting bells for my items, especially DLC, quite often as nothing from my wishlist is rarely offered to me for something that I have aside from hybrids. :<

StarryACNL, hello, I like the toy hammer, but do you think you could offer something more for a Resetti Model and a Snow Globe?
I already checked the list and didn't have anything that you might want,
and assumed that you get a lot of hybrids so I didn't offer those.
I have 3 pink suncosmos and an orange suncosmo i can offer!