Sorry to hear life's being a tough cookie. :'0
Gosh though, your art really is beautiful. I love when the colors blue and purple are together and you happen to put those 2 colors together a lot. <3 <3
I'm honestly gonna miss ya during your break. :>
Hey well whatever is best for both worlds, is fine with me.
Also, uh, have fun at your con!![]()
//coughs blood
jint u need to sleep
Kanaa you're so relatable
Your latest work is lovely, Jint! And the same can be said for everything you posted before it, of course. Saying that was obligatory since I haven't posted here in a while, unfortunately xD;;
Anyways, I love the colors - especially how the pink hair really stands out! The character design is so pretty too *_*
((Ah, and I'm going to echo some other users' sentiments here about your TBT break: I hope your rl situation gets better for you, and that you're getting everything you want out of your semi-hiatus.))
Good luck with con prep! Fight \o/
Your Huedhaut /lennyface 10/10 would touch again
Your chibis are super cute as always, will you make charms or stickers for con? I think many would love your chibi style *A* I have yet to find mine;;;;,,,,
Ah and as another reply @ my art thread: NNNGGH YES JINT I would love it if you would color my lines! A collab with Jint...?! BLUSH///// I will send you tbt for the trouble >uo I partly got the tbt from you after all coughscoughs
edit: I forgot! A .psd. I will update this post with a link, stayed up too late already><
Your new OC is purrty! Love how you made Hue's eyes so starry...I read spoilers on wikia im good now
Here is the file I wanted to send you!
ah well those lines were done in a hurry when you look up close (don't ahaHA) ;;; color whatever you think is good ww looking forward to the result and thanks jintpai! ^Q^
will you make one of Aigo too //gently persuades