Senior Member
(I'm stalking that dnp thread you made in the museum shop ;w; patiently but anticipatingly waiting)
(I'm stalking that dnp thread you made in the museum shop ;w; patiently but anticipatingly waiting)
OK I AM LATE TO THE PARTY BUT I AM DLING YOUR CRY VISUAL NOVEL RN. I'm excited to see the story, oh man!
oh my gosh I hope you survive 8'DDD
from what I remember, there's still typos all over the place soooo //sweats
I will share my thoughts once it's done downloading and stuff! *u* Is it a gen visual novel?
e-ehh what does that mean :'D
You know, general genre! Or does this have romance or horror or...? u:
awww gosh I just found out about your visual novel!! It's hard to notice it if it's on the 2nd page xD
It's so much fun! Never played visual novels before, this is my first :3 It's funny how I thought that Virus was kinda cute when I first saw him, and I end up being together with him forever lol
gonna play it more
OH-- and JINT-SAMA *bows down
you can do things like programming light novels?? you too great for this world ; O ;
okay, here I am again.
"You have successfully wasted a figment of your precious lifespan on this ridiculously dumb game."
thanks xD but it's not dumb. I really like it and it's awesome you made it yourself! and that congratulation music LOL
the crycest was a really cute idea ^^ but I like Virus the mosthe reminds me of your OC Eous ; v ;
I was gonna end it with my first ending (normal!cry's ending) but I decided to do the rest 'cause it was pretty short. ovo b It was pretty good! Imagine if Cry played it heh = v=
out of all the multiplayer games, you pick league of legends?? xD
Hellooo! Your art is ADORABLE. ouob Keep it up!
Also, I noticed that on your second post of the front page, the four icons on the second row all link to different photos. Check it out~ ;u; Just wanted to let you know!