Hey! I just found this forum and I hope that this will fix my problem: I am the only one I know who plays Animal Crossing New Leaf on my 3DS. I live in Norway, so I rarely get to Streetpass with ANYONE, and I have no one to play the game with.
I would love to meet other people, exchange friend codes, chat about the game, give and receive gifts and mail, visit other towns and get ideas and get people to come to my town. It would be awesome!
Hopefully someone out there wants the same thing as me
Hi Tanyana! Welcome to the forums! I'm also relatively new here...I've been a member for a bit, but haven't really done too much...Anyways I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Welcome to the forum, I'm kinda new to both the forum and the game but I would gladly play with you. I'll pm you just in case u didnt bothered checking back ur intro thread
Hey Tanyana Pretty new here too, but I just wanted to say I'd be happy to add you. My town's really not very fancy, I don't put any customised tiles on it or anything, but you're welcome to visit whenever. I'll PM you my friend-code as soon as I get to my DS.