Jojo can we do caterpie a order?
question about the Build a Garden! i have a ton of flowers but they're all just kinda dumped in the middle of my town, not organized or anything. but there is a LOT, like 50+ easily. would you be willing to go through those and organize/place them so that they'd breed? I wanted to double check just because there's so many and i'm not sure if you have a limit. i wouldn't need any trees planted or anything, just the flowers! no idea how to organize them.
No not now.
Order status: Canceled
Jojo needs time because she is restocking, oh and the guys not online anyways .-. Sadly...are you kidding me? how can you possibly expect anyone to make purchases for your shop when you cancel orders with no explanation or apparent reason?
Jojo needs time because he is restocking, oh and the guys not online anyways .-. Sadly
Yesu v u so am i able to order that rock out package?
Yes mamyes u can
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Open your gate
u v u so am i able to order that rock out package?