Journalists criticizing Nintendo for not making iOS or Android games

The dudebros are gonna keep playing their CODs and BFs though, so unless Nintendo is willing to make a semi-realistic, gory, military licensed, and possibly absolutely crappy shooter that doesn't have dedicated servers, I don't see them trying to compete with that market at all.

It's also that Nintendo wants to explore new concepts (or at least they claim to want that). Putting out a shooter that's a carbon copy of what EA and Activision are pooping out each year doesn't really fit into that plan.

I mean, neither does Mario platformer #329, but at least that sells according to their projections.
Well, I don`t want it to be a copy. Goldeneye was no copy of any shooter that was out (and extremely popular) at the time, even though it worked with the Bond license. It had no gore, questionable realism (although the AI was pretty good and they reacted quite lifelike) and no real military feel.

They can make a game like that, focusing more on gameplay then "shock and awe."
Seeing how popular Goldeneye was, if you would combine it with online play and a larger multiplayer focus, I`m very sure it would reel in many players.

If I wanted gory games, I wouldn`t have been a (mostly atleast) Nintendogamer for 20+ years. (Btw, 20+ years? Holy crap! :D)