Auction Julian the smug Unicorn ENDED

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lol smug? more like stubborn!!

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happened to me too btw trying to TT coco out for a friend and wolfgang decided it would be a great idea to move out, not telling or allowing me to ask him to stay :(
lol smug? more like stubborn!!

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happened to me too btw trying to TT coco out for a friend and wolfgang decided it would be a great idea to move out, not telling or allowing me to ask him to stay :(
I know, it's happened to me so many times. Lolly twice, goldie (who I eventually got back), Benjamin, Walker (who I also eventually got back), ankha and cookie :(
I'm going to sleep now ... i should be back on in about 9 hours or so :D hopefully we have some movement by then!!
Yay! :D

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OMG seriously?!?! damn is he stubborn or what?! :p
FINALLY! HES MOVING. I'll just set up a payment method in retail, then I'll be ready for you :3
Putting him into boxes now, payment method: buy the flowers at retail (999,999 bells each). I'll carry on stocking up until the 20 million has been reached

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That was like Greta. She was one of my starting villagers in Rannoch and I was TTing for almost a YEAR in-game before she FINALLY wanted to move... >.<
I know, some villagers are so stubborn -_-. And half the time, when they DO ping you: 'the stay is off, I wanna be better friends!'
okay :D i have 2 mil on hand and 11mil in storage so after that ill go to the bank to get it.

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i added you btw
okay :D i have 2 mil on hand and 11mil in storage so after that ill go to the bank to get it.

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i added you btw
Added, opening gates in a minute. My only rule is no taking things unless I say (fruit doesn't count)
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