Giveaway Julian the Unicorn!! Ends: 9:00pm EST (1hr and 20 minutes)


everything must go~
Jun 20, 2013
Red Candy
Orange Candy
Yellow Candy
Green Candy
Blue Candy
100% (469) +
Julian is leaving my town and i dont want to sell him off therefore whoever posts the funniest joke will win. One post per user please! Winner will be announced at 9:00pm EST. Please be online or he will go to the next funniest joke.

Multiple jokes per user will be disqualified.

Winner: Kangaskhan
Runner-up: Tapeu

Kangaskhan! please contact me within 15 minutes or Julian will go to Tapeu!
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A man entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in 10 different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in 10 did.

;D ba dum tss..
I already got Julian so I don't need to enter but can I still say a joke?<3

I'm gonna stalk this thread and read every reply, this shall be funny.

idk if its a joke but omg i was laughing really hard
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There was a brunette, redhead and blonde stuck on a deserted island. They found a magical lamp and after they rubbed it and the genie came out, they were all granted one wish. The brunette wished that she was home. (poof she went home) The redhead wished she was home with her family (poof she went home) The blonde wished that her friends were on the island with her (poof the brunette and redhead returned).
A man and a woman meet in an elevator. "Where are you heading today?" the man asks.

"I'm going down to give blood."

"How much do you get paid for giving blood?"

"About $20."

"Wow," says the man, "I'm going up to donate sperm, and the sperm bank pays $100." The woman angrily gets off the elevator.

The next day, the man and woman meet in the elevator again.

"Fancy meeting you again. Where you off to today?"

"Sperm bank," she says with her mouth full.
A "You Know Your Addicted to Animal Crossing" joke...

You know your addicted to Animal Crossing when every time you see a mole, you yell "No, please don't hurt me! I'll save next time! I promise!"

A mushroom walks into a bar. The bartender tells him "Sorry, you have to leave. We don't serve your kind here."

The mushroom responds, "Why not? I'm a fun guy!"
