Trading Julian :(

OK, no problem. I suggest you PM me when you have a villager moving, that might be easier. ^_^

I'm going off-line now for a bit (probably 20 minutes or so).
I accidentally time traveled my Erik out... :(. So Libra, you only have to hold 2 villagers now.
Maybe he's in your moving pool? If you come to my town, there might be a chance he'll show up in mine?
No plot, but I'm not sure when it's supposed to show up (if it does). But diner is ready now, so I'm going off-line for a bit. Will be back in 45 minutes or so.
Back! Unfortunately, the plot never showed. ;-; I've been TT'ing until a plot did show up, but it wasn't Eric. I'll keep an eye out for him, though. If he shows up in my campsite, I'll invite him to come live into my town and then give him to you.

I'm ready to come get Cookie now. ^_^
Thanks for trying. :) I'll just reset for him when I restart my town.

Opening gate right now. Town is Bunnies, mayor is Madi.
Cookie's plot is in my town!

She chose a great place! She put her house where another villager has lived before, so no new grass wear! XD
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Any signs yet of Bunnie leaving? ^_^' I have to go off-line in a bit, so I'm checking!
I've been taking a break to do other stuff for a while, but I'll get to doing that now.