June Birthstone?

Ha ha, I'm amazed anyone still asks that question.

"Why hasnt the shop been updated? When are the items being restocked?"


Agreed. This is a funny thread, if you know how these things go.
(You have to get yelled at once or twice first though for asking a similar question, I think)
(Then you learn to zip it in the future)
(And wait quietly)
I don't see why we should have any obligation to spend our time programming a system just to appease a few certain people who are incapable of being patient for a little while.

This post is perfect! Ill just wait until it comes out, Keep up the good work mods!
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They don't even have to release items in the shop (right??)
We should be lucky we at least have them ;-;


And it's really not the end of the world if an item doesn't come out the first day of the month. There was a thread posted about an upcoming TBT Direct so I'd expect the shop to be restocked then.