Just Experienced Joy-Con Drift for the First Time... (Advice on Cleaning a Switch Lite, Please?)


Autistic Time-Traveler
Jun 12, 2020
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Special Snowflake
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Green Christmas Stocking
Matryoshka Doll
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Festive Bell
Tin Robot
EDIT: I just tried the calibration-test thing. I played around with it, over and over, and only once did it not reset when I wasn't touching it. It was VERY slightly off-center and was able to be fixed by just gently touching it. So, it's not a real issue now... but my big fear is it getting worse. I'm considering trying to clean the thumbstick...
Does ANYONE have experience cleaning the thumbstick of a Switch Lite? If so, how did you do it? Compressed air or a Q-tip with alcohol? Did it work? Most importantly- did it make it worse and/or did you break it completely?
(I know that sounds paranoid, but I've done it before, and I'm nervous to do anything to my electronics because of it 😟)

And, to sum up, I'm pretty much panicking right now. I've heard about it so much but never experienced it on my Nintendo Switch or my Switch Lite (what I currently use). I had to stop using my regular Switch because it refuses to recognize when the Joy-Cons are attached and I only play in handheld mode so... yah, that's not gonna work (and that also means that a pro-controller WILL NOT help me, so please don't suggest it).

So far, it hasn't been bad. My character was running through the plaza and, when I stopped pressing the movement stick, she took a few more slow steps forward. I touched the stick again and made sure it was straight and she stopped moving. I suppose it's possible the stick is just a little sticky... it sometimes feels a bit sticky when I use it, but I haven't got the foggiest idea why it would be. I eat when using my Switch, but I don't get food in there- I'd notice, especially on the movement sticks. But I can't deny when I touched the stick again and made sure it was straight is stopped- is that something that happens with joy-con drift?

I'm also paranoid... I've heard rumors that certain games make it more possible to get drift. I just got Skyrim and have been really enjoying it... could that be part of it? The movement I use in it feel more or less the same as BoTW and I haven't played that in forever and never had issues so that's just gotta be a coincidence, right?

Anyway, I'm just asking for advice for how to handle this, make sure it doesn't get worse, if this really sounds like drift, etc. I'm TERRIFIED my Switch is going to eventually become unplayable and I'll need a new one and won't be able to move my ACNH island and that the new one will just get drift right away anyway. I'm also TERRIFIED this is somehow my fault... like I said, I eat while playing my Switch sometimes, but I'm super careful and I think I'd notice if food got in there! Still, sometimes the stick feels more resistant than other times... but IDK if I'm just being paranoid.
FYI, my laptop had to be replaced recently because I ate while using it and the keyboard broke probably due to crumbs and I'm just scared I broke my Switch now...

EDIT: Just tried to recreate it... I was able to, but this time I noticed the movement stick (IDK if that's the right name) was ever-so-slightly tilted in the direction my character was moving. Is this the same as joy-con drift? Or something else?
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i think skyrim... you're okay. I would goto nintendo site and fill out the service form. They honor drift repair even out of warantee. You might be out of a switch for a week. I haven't replace a lite thumbstick yet so I'm not sure how difficult it is. You can also try compressed air.

Typically it's dust that get underneath that causes the drift. Food could get underneath but it more likely dust.
There are repair kits that you can buy to supposedly fix the drift. I've yet to try it. I started getting drift about 300 hours in to the game and I am now at 1000+, and it's still very much playable
i think skyrim... you're okay. I would goto nintendo site and fill out the service form. They honor drift repair even out of warantee. You might be out of a switch for a week. I haven't replace a lite thumbstick yet so I'm not sure how difficult it is. You can also try compressed air.

Typically it's dust that get underneath that causes the drift. Food could get underneath but it more likely dust.
So then what I'm experiencing IS drift? I was kind of under the impression drift didn't cause the movement stick to be off center like that, but I've also never read that much about it since, you know, I've never dealt with it.
EDIT: But it's reassuring to hear that it's dust and unlikely to be food. I mean, I can't imagine it's food. I just don't see food going in there and I definitely noticed it going under my keyboard keys when it did (I just never thought it'd break them). I even occasionally take a Q-tip beneath my movement sticks to ensure it's clean. I do this if a notice a tiny crumb or something. But my dad (who I'd need to ask to get me a new one) has always had a tendency to blame me for breaking things when I'm not responsible, so my immediate reaction to any problem is "what did I do"

There are repair kits that you can buy to supposedly fix the drift. I've yet to try it. I started getting drift about 300 hours in to the game and I am now at 1000+, and it's still very much playable
I have... bad experiences trying to fix things myself. Every time I've tried it, pretty much, I've broken it beyond my repair. I even let my parents try and fix my laptop keys- within an hour, my semi-workable keyboard was totally unusable and my dad had already bought me a new laptop 😅
And I'm less worried about this game, and more about others. I think I can still play the other games good enough (even games with fighting like Skyrim I imagine it won't affect it much). I'm just worried it will get worse and become unplayable, but it's reassuring to hear it hasn't done that for you.
When my joycons started drifting, they would slowly move forward straight or diagonally without me touching the joycons 😔 yours kinda sounds like what I had!

I only sent them in when my characters in RPG games would keep accidentally falling off or aggro an enemy if I wasn’t careful enough..

Also, for your laptop you should get one of the silicone keyboard protector things that protect the keys from getting greasy and prevents small crumbs getting in between the keys. I got one recently ☺️
So then what I'm experiencing IS drift? I was kind of under the impression drift didn't cause the movement stick to be off center like that, but I've also never read that much about it since, you know, I've never dealt with it.
EDIT: But it's reassuring to hear that it's dust and unlikely to be food. I mean, I can't imagine it's food. I just don't see food going in there and I definitely noticed it going under my keyboard keys when it did (I just never thought it'd break them). I even occasionally take a Q-tip beneath my movement sticks to ensure it's clean. I do this if a notice a tiny crumb or something. But my dad (who I'd need to ask to get me a new one) has always had a tendency to blame me for breaking things when I'm not responsible, so my immediate reaction to any problem is "what did I do"

I have... bad experiences trying to fix things myself. Every time I've tried it, pretty much, I've broken it beyond my repair. I even let my parents try and fix my laptop keys- within an hour, my semi-workable keyboard was totally unusable and my dad had already bought me a new laptop 😅
And I'm less worried about this game, and more about others. I think I can still play the other games good enough (even games with fighting like Skyrim I imagine it won't affect it much). I'm just worried it will get worse and become unplayable, but it's reassuring to hear it hasn't done that for you.

yea i believe its the drift. i have had joycon move at different variable under the calibration screen. When playing in the game it can be super frustrating. Terraforming is pretty rough with it. With skyrim you might miss enemy hits when you swing the sword.

I wouldnt use a qtip because the cotton would get loose under the thumbstick. if you have compress air try that with the straw. I would also contact nintendo.
You can try to recalibrate the joysticks in the Switch system settings -> controllers and sensors -> calibrate control sticks. If you really have serious drift like I did, you will able to see the censor moving even without being touched.

If it is drift, you can send it to Nintendo like the poster above said. My country doesn’t have an official Nintendo store so I just bought electrical contact cleaner for cheap and sprayed in under the joystick, followed a YouTube video. It has been OK since then and that was more than a year ago.
If you're using the Nintendo Switch Lite you will have to call Nintendo's Customer Support as the form on the website is only for the separate Joy-Con. They'll be able to walk you through troubleshooting steps just in case so you won't have to send in your console if it can be remedied over the phone.
When my joycons started drifting, they would slowly move forward straight or diagonally without me touching the joycons 😔 yours kinda sounds like what I had!

I only sent them in when my characters in RPG games would keep accidentally falling off or aggro an enemy if I wasn’t careful enough..

Also, for your laptop you should get one of the silicone keyboard protector things that protect the keys from getting greasy and prevents small crumbs getting in between the keys. I got one recently ☺
My solution for my laptop was, with this laptop, I don't eat at it 😅 I occasionally see little specks of crumbs (that fall off my shirt or whatever) or pieces of my fingernail (I pick my nails) but rarely, and my keyboard is more or less pristine.

And the thing that might be different about mine is, it happened IMMEDIATELY after moving the stick, and it was in the same direction I had been moving, and I noticed my stick was -slightly- off-center (as in, it appeared that I was still pushing it, but I wasn't touching it)

I wouldnt use a qtip because the cotton would get loose under the thumbstick. if you have compress air try that with the straw. I would also contact nintendo.
I was careful about that, these weren't fluffy Q-tips, and I didn't press them in or anything.

If it is drift, you can send it to Nintendo like the poster above said. My country doesn’t have an official Nintendo store so I just bought electrical contact cleaner for cheap and sprayed in under the joystick, followed a YouTube video. It has been OK since then and that was more than a year ago.
I'm... just really hesitant to contact Nintendo and send it in. I play my Switch every day, a week without it sounds awful. Also, I'm afraid my data will be erased or something (I've heard it can happen), or it won't help (ditto), or it will help... but only for a week or so then the issue's back. I'm also hesitant to try and repair it myself since, again, I can't think of a time I've tried to fix an electronic item myself where I didn't break it 😕

If you're using the Nintendo Switch Lite you will have to call Nintendo's Customer Support as the form on the website is only for the separate Joy-Con. They'll be able to walk you through troubleshooting steps just in case so you won't have to send in your console if it can be remedied over the phone.
They'll walk me through it over the phone? Ugh... I hate phone calls, but I may have to try it.
At this point, I want to play it a little more, maybe with other games, to see if it's noticeable on them, too. If so I guess I could try and call in... I just have severe anxiety over phone calls and try and avoid them at all costs. And I'm also too nervous to even touch my Switch right now.
I'm just... really freaking out. Irrationally so. Like I said, my laptop already broke this quarantine, I'm terrified my Switch will, too, and that it's someone my fault.
They'll walk me through it over the phone? Ugh... I hate phone calls, but I may have to try it.
At this point, I want to play it a little more, maybe with other games, to see if it's noticeable on them, too. If so I guess I could try and call in... I just have severe anxiety over phone calls and try and avoid them at all costs.
Chat/SMS can help with troubleshooting and setting up a repair for you (if needed) if that helps!
Chat/SMS can help with troubleshooting and setting up a repair for you (if needed) if that helps!
If I end up contacting them I'll do that, then.

I'm looking up guides on how to clean things, and may try compressed air (I really hate compressed air and the sound it makes, but it seems the best option for cleaning). Still, EVERY guide I find is for separate joy-cons on a regular Switch. Does anyone know if this works on the Switch Lite?
I used the Q-tip with alcohol strategy and it worked perfectly! I encourage you to try it out if you have the resources.
Okay. I definitely can, I just read that the liquid may cause harm... but if I only use a little, that should be fine, right?
I was leaning towards the compressed air spray just because no liquids involved... but I'm worried that there are other risks with it. I have no idea what they would be, and I know I'm being paranoid, but I am equal parts paranoid AND clumsy.

Also, on a totally separate-not-really-a-problem note... has anyone else's thumbstick started to stain a bit blue over time? IDK why, but my left one has. Again, not an issue, just curious if it's just me.
I sent mine to nintendo and now they work great. If they are in warranty they fix them for free. They even give u a shipping label so thats free too. I did calibrating mine first and compressed air but nothing worked. Good luck
Ah, the drifts.. So scary and so inevitable. I bought new ones a while ago because my first set was probably out of warranty and I didn't want to wait for their return.

I definitely don't recommend opening up a joycon if you don't have a lot of successful experiences trying to fix your electronics. A lot of stuff on the inside is tiny and very fragile, the chances of something accidentally breaking or not going back together right are pretty high.

My previous experiences with nintendo customer support / warranties have been pretty great, at least. I'd say it's worth going for!
Oof one of my biggest fears is joycon drift, good luck!
It's been one of my biggest fears, too 😟 Hence why I'm so nervous...

I sent mine to nintendo and now they work great. If they are in warranty they fix them for free. They even give u a shipping label so thats free too. I did calibrating mine first and compressed air but nothing worked. Good luck
I don't believe I have a warranty, but I read online Nintendo now fixes drift free of charge with no need of proof of purchase even (they've been dealing with enough complaints, lol). I'm HOPING cleaning will work, since I really don't want to be without it for a week. 🥺 And I'm still paranoid it won't work and it'll have just been a total waste of time.

I definitely don't recommend opening up a joycon if you don't have a lot of successful experiences trying to fix your electronics. A lot of stuff on the inside is tiny and very fragile, the chances of something accidentally breaking or not going back together right are pretty high.
Oh GOD no, I was never considering that! I'll buy a new Switch before I try that. I was considering cleaning just where the thumbstick attaches (there's this little rubber cap type thing that's easy to lift and can be cleaned under with compressed air or Q-tips and alcohol). It doesn't involve taking anything apart.
That's what I tried to do with one of my old laptops- I tried to replace the keyboard myself. I someone accidentally broke a little wire cord thing (super thin, nearly invisible) that meant I couldn't reattach any keyboard except one of those annoying external ones, which is fine if you have a computer desk, but doesn't work if you're using it as a LITERAL laptop 😒