Just had a revelation about Animal Crossing...


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2013
After playing Population Growing and Wild World for a year each, andNew Leaf for a month, I came to the startling revelation last night that once a fish is hooked on your fishing line and swimming around in circles, you don't need to keep the A button held down. :eek: Please tell me I'm not the only one that did this!

Does anyone else have any stories of obvious things about the series they didn't find out until playing for ages?
After playing Population Growing and Wild World for a year each, andNew Leaf for a month, I came to the startling revelation last night that once a fish is hooked on your fishing line and swimming around in circles, you don't need to keep the A button held down. :eek: Please tell me I'm not the only one that did this!

Does anyone else have any stories of obvious things about the series they didn't find out until playing for ages?


I didn't know this. Call me a noob.
I don't hold it, but I always rapidly tap A once it's hooked haha. Never knew that though, thanks!
I figured that out about two years ago, but since I've been doing it for so long, I just continue to do it lol. Plus, I tap A, I don't hold it down.
I didn't know this, so that's cool!

I'm still going to hold down that button like my life depends on it though. xD Because that entire time I will be going "DON'T BE A SEA BASS OR SO HELP ME-"
I know, but I like to keep pressing it for effect :D
I realized when I got the first game that A wasn't needed to be pressed the whole time.
It's been scientifically proven that holding down the A button will get you a better fish.