Just started playing again- would love new friends!

You're more than welcome to add me. I've never actually had the opportunity to visit other players' towns in any AC game, but I would very much like to! My current town is still very fresh, but playing a bit more often nowadays.

Oh! And I'm Pacific Time.
Idk if you're still looking but I've just started again too. My fc is 2166-1669-8260 if you want to add
Lets Play!

Does any1 want to play with me on ac:nl welcome amiibo? Just started a couple mins ago but sold my previous town for loads of bells! any way my friend code is 5026 4928 8452! Lets get together and play some animal crossing!
i wouldnt mind joining myself. i just started so bare with me >_< ive played before but i have nothing atm
I added all of y'all! I can't wait to play with y'all!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I added all of y'all! I can't wait to play with y'all! I'm in EST USA also.
Feel free to add me as well! My FC is in the side bar~ :3
Hi, I've added all players in this thread. I have a new town called Puente. Add me, please, as I hope to play with you.