Just thought Id draw this🎨 Art dump lol

*Slips in comic*

Heres a little, random comic I outlined at 12 am yesterday, and finished today! Gotta jump on inspiration, I wasn't tired at all.

Spooky stuff is still coming, just a small delay! Im still working on them

Enjoy! Hope your having a nice

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*slips in drawing

Heres a sneak peek at the second one
(I owe you one)

Oh my god Im holding myself back so much on this one lol. I don't wanna go crazy, but I could do alot more with it.

Regardless, Im enjoying it. Theres alot of detail in these, so Im sorry its taking a bit longer.

Anyway! Finishing up that one, I'll then move onto number three!

*Slips in comic*
View attachment 409441
View attachment 409442 Heres a little, random comic I outlined at 12 am yesterday, and finished today! Gotta jump on inspiration, I wasn't tired at all.

Spooky stuff is still coming, just a small delay! Im still working on them

Enjoy! Hope your having a nice

This is so good, and your expressions are on point! 😍 Genji in the fourth frame is my absolute favourite. πŸ€£πŸ’œπŸŒŸ
This is so good, and your expressions are on point! 😍 Genji in the fourth frame is my absolute favourite. πŸ€£πŸ’œπŸŒŸ
Haha, yeah its great! im pretty happy with it πŸ˜…

Genji doesnt understand his boyfriend's logic sometimes (or at all) lol, it confuses him
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Sneak peak three

Sorry this so late. i forgot to post it. Look for number four (Im dreading drawing it) coming. This one was a blast to do.

So should I creepafy Sasha? since he just moved in. or Genji? who left, but was a huge part of my island.

Or both 😈

Enjoy, and lemme know

~Danny the horror artist
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*Slips in Comic*

Oh boy, this took a while, my fingers are sore from all this colouring lol. I also now see I missed a few spots.

Anyway, so I've been planning this for a while, I was gonna use Genji and Filbert, but decided to use these
two instead. since I've been trying to think of someone for my rabbit. I decided to do him, then I picked Rudy. Or Toby was another I was thinking of Snake. But yeah, decided on using Rudy for this.

I think Lazy and Jock animsls are a cute pairing

(He almost looks like a human in the last page omg)

Sorry if it looked like I got a bit lazy, I'm gonna try to add a bit of texture to the last page. The back gtoynd images uncolored, was intentional, I think it sets a mood. But I also hate drawing buildings, but tried to make the house look like the one I made for him in game. But yeah, im gonna edit it tomorrow.

I did start with Genji and filbert, so I had to change all of that, and it took a while. But I'm a little happy with the result. I might go back in and add some texture, but I'm just happy it's finished.

Anyway, I've got more comics coming, gonna rest my fingers for those! Enjoy,

Stay safe

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A small little update, Im not quite sure if able to post my spooky art, I'd not want to be in trouble for art work.

I love this place, and I would like to stay.I also respect their rules, so Im not going to be posting any, Im sorry. however, if you do want to see some, I can use social media.

Im really proud of them, you doomed Sasha lol. I highly enjoyed his.

They aren't over boardly creepy or grim, very minor, but I really don't want to risk it, so I hope you understand. id happily share them with you though
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*slips in drawing*

*having a mass get together was a nice idea, I mean what could possibly happen*

So this was alot of fun to draw, im not Even finished either since this is just a preview of a comic im doing

I was originally just gonna do the top row, but decided to add in everyone, since Im really happy with the villagers I have currently.

But it was great drawing everyone, in different posses, and trying out new techniques.i tried to take my time with each villager, clothing took forever to do. Some clothes are from fandoms because I couldnt resist lol.

-Some look a bit taller then others, because their sitting up. Lopez is a bit bigger, but he's also sitting up to block Zell's view.

-I cant draw chickens to save my life lol. Serious practice is needed lol

-I gave Kid Cat a new outfit, so hes wearing an over sized hoodie instead.

-Chairs will look better the future

Anyway! Look for the comic comimg soon, and enjoy

Stay safe!

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I everyone, Im currently taking a break to draw out a pokemon drawing for my sister for Christmas.
Some advice, or help on it would be great. I made a board for it. I'll start on my own projects again after ybe holidays, sorry for the wait.
*slips in drawing*

*I'm hoping that i meet someone Under the mistletoe*

Tis the season to be jolly, and i decided to make a seasonal gif. Just of all my islanders being cute towards each other under the mistletoe

I really didnt put much thought into these, but in case you want to know, this is what they look like


(I still cant believe sheep and deer are the same height.)


Happy holidays everyone, stay warm
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Slips in drawing~

Come on down and meet some villagers of mine~

I wanted to draw this for a long time, but was too busy, but I finally got around to it. I ended up having to draw two seprete panels, because the last two didnt fit lol. Then I decided to poorly draw a sign, because it kinda tied it together.

I drew all my villagers as South Park boys, my own designs of course. It should be fairly easy to tell who's who from the color schemes. (I can tell you though if you want) They're all waiting for the bus.

This was so much fun to do

I was originally gonna draw them still with animal features, but uh, that changed quickly, and I decided to just make them human kids. I had fun designing their outfits, tried to keep them in character, and personalities.

I didn't draw the background, I just used one frlm the show, because I thought it was kinda cool, and added character (I also cant draw backgrounds very well). Everything else was done by me

Anyway might make my side island too ^^ Enjoy!
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Last night I watched *The last of the Meheekans* its honestly, and probably my favorite episode

But since I can't watch the new season of South Park, because I dont have the channel, I started to doodle Sasha as Butter's in that episode.

Since Sasha is Butters on my island, the others also represent other characters.

Anyway, here Sasha is, mistaken for a mexican, and using a leaf blower lol.
Wow, I was looking through my old sketchbook and came across this, which I drew after completing Pokemon Y (My favorite game)

Me, and my Y team plus my boy.

So basically in Y, one small town you come across this one house with pionist who asks you to listen to a song he wrote, then when you talk to him, he says how he doesnt know what to call it

So I came up with a kinda back story between these boys, and they kinda become a thing. Since Ivy, my boy returns to him after completing the league, and the boy finished the song and knows what to name it. After Ivy.

Bottom right is whenthey met, and the whole part is when Ivy returns. He got a zubat sticker because Ivy's Crobat loves to sit on him.

Kinda cheesy, but I remember spending hours on this, days. So I thought id post it.. i got one for Alpha Saphire too. But its not colored. Its kinda my tradion to do this in after I completed any Pokemon game.

My guy: Ivy
Crobat: Naegi
Delphox? I think that'swhat it'scalled: Bashe
Leapard: Kitten
Skuntank: Chihiro
Poison dragon: Harper
Seviper: Lily
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Just an idea Ive been having for something I might do on here, heres a preview-

Currently playing sword, and its pretty awesome, Ive never had two eeveelutions on my team, and I really wish Zubat was in it. But Noibat is a cutie, I like her alot. Sobble is never evolving. I refuse. Ive had Skuntank before, Chihiro, so its cool having one again. Then finally my little poison, and fire gator that I didnt wven know existed β™‘

Anyway, I just got to this forest, haven't beaten the fighting gym yet, this game really likes to crowd you in gyms lol. But seriously, the gym fights are epic.

But I've been looking forward to seeing this place,
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Well what did you guys expect, you were traveling together, so of course you would get lost.

I loved drawing this, and coming up with outfits for them, I think each Pokemon fits them perfectly.

I mean, whenever I see Mankey, I think he would be a great minion for Eric's team
You’re art looks great! I like how you are trying different coloring styles. Keep it up! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œ