Not aiming this at you dear.
I've glossed over this and my god people are very sensitive. I think there's a certain point where the line needs to be drawn because throwing around accusations like that, over some really minor ****, is extremely detrimental. There are so few allowances that should be given, and really no one gets one, that people need to learn how to differentiate where the problematic areas are. Off-the-cuff comments between friends and actual acts of ignorant oppression are way too often lumped together. The former warrants a talking to, education, and an apology if they're sorry, but not this level of protest. Throw that passion for equality to actual causes and fights that can and do make a stronger form of change.
I... don't see how homophobic, colourist, sexist, cissexist remarks are things that you should just accept in a person? Or that they're minor? I for one, could never be a fan of a grown adult who says such things.
But then...essentially every group in kpop is guilty of the things listed there? I mean, that doesn't excuse it. It's beyond annoying when Kai or Tao's skin color is poked fun of, but that's sort of the Korean/Asian culture. Are you telling me that SHINee members don't say stuff about Taemin's skin either? I specifically remember a radio interview where (I think it was) Key who made a comment about both Kai and Taemin being dark so they shouldn't say anything about skin color. Taemin also said something about Kai's skin color, calling him the name of a dark, international celebrity.
And even though I love Krishan, as fans we don't know all of the reasons behind their departure. I'm sure SM isn't innocent in this whole debacle, but I don't think Krishan are either. And this is SM we're talking about anyway. Pretty sure most of their groups have had issues with disbanding/members leaving, so it's not really all that crazy. I don't think it's a "cover" for their leaving either. It's been almost a year since Kris left. Luhan left in October. It's been a while. What's left but to move on and show them EXO's still a powerhouse without them?
Oh, and the EXO-L issues. I'll agree with you that a number of EXO-L are...too much to say the least, but why are you taking it out on EXO exactly? Sure some of their fans are bad seeds, but that's not really EXO's fault is it? I actually love both EXO and SHINee and these fan wars are beyond ridiculous.
You can't really excuse racism with it being korean/asian culture... I get what you mean, in that it is particularly rampant there, but so are things like bullying, which go hugely underaddressed compared to western countries - and that doesn't make it okay.
Taemin did something say something like that, you're right and I was
hugely pissed off at him >.< However, I think, but don't quote me on this, that he apologised, or least stopped doing that.
Cover was probably the wrong word, what I meant was that they're kind of using the fact that two members left on bad terms, as some sort of promotional thing :/. Like you say, that part is SM's issue though.
The fan wars
are ridiculous, I hate the idea of fandoms pitched against each other - it's just silly. I do bring it up bc it is known that exo fans have done this, specifically to shinee fans for some reason? It's so bizarre.
I've just read half of it and I'm afraid that fat shaming, colorism, cissexism is not just with their band.
Nope, I wasn't trying to say that it was! Just that in my view, that they are one of the worst. There are other groups as well that have done sh**ty things, unfortunately enough
Help me, I've had 4minute's crazy stuck in my head all day~ Jiyoon is total hair goals tbh.