Nope, they came out totally perfect xD
I forgot to take a pic of the petal shoppe one!! But the print for it came out super well too ^^
Ty xD I have to cut them out myself!! So the colored bg's were to help guide me where I should cut
I used to get my stickers made online by Redbubble, but they charge $2 a sticker ($1 if purchase more than 6) + shipping, and also come out a bit grainy in the coloring. Though the colors are really accurate and I like the feel and thickness of the sticker (plus they cut it out for you, and do the white outline for you lol) BUT at the printing place I go to they charge $2.50 for how ever many you can fit on a 12 x 18in sticker sheet. He fit 12 on each sheet (for my logo stickers you put the words on the banner for me he was able to fit 9 for the big ones, and 16 for the smaller ones), but downside is I have to cut them out myself xD and either with a crappy X-acto knife or scissors (which I prefer lol)
I much rather do the cheaper way, just it really does some damage on my hand.