Selling Kam's Entire Town Sale(hybrids, unorderables, RV items, etc)

*Mayor and town name: Mayor Redmond of Hirilond
*Order: bamboo grass; box-shaped seat; coffeemaker; heart container; piece of heart; sailboat model; triforce; 100 white carnations; 25 famous mushrooms; 30 blue pansies, please.
*TBT total:176
*Delivery or pick-up?: You can choose

Thank you!
*Mayor and town name: Mayor Redmond of Hirilond
*Order: bamboo grass; box-shaped seat; coffeemaker; heart container; piece of heart; sailboat model; triforce; 100 white carnations; 25 famous mushrooms; 30 blue pansies, please.
*TBT total:176
*Delivery or pick-up?: You can choose

Thank you!

Hello! Please give me some time to get your order together ^^ is it alright if I deliver the items to you? (Also I may have to take more than one trip, depending on how much locker space I have)
Hello! Please give me some time to get your order together ^^ is it alright if I deliver the items to you? (Also I may have to take more than one trip, depending on how much locker space I have)

Hi, sure, you can deliver, thank you! You probably will have to make two trips, with all those flowers! I will be watching for your message to open my gate. :)
Hi and thanks in advance!

*Mayor and town name: Snow, Flowert
*Order: rice cake, Brewster's pic, Kid Cat's pic
*TBT total: 6
*Delivery or pick-up?: Pick-up
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Hi and thanks in advance!

*Mayor and town name: Snow, Flowert
*Order: rice cake, Brewster's pic, Kid Cat's pic
*TBT total: 6
*Delivery or pick-up?: Pick-up
Hi! I'm adding you now and my gates will be open in just a few minutes!

Hi, sure, you can deliver, thank you! You probably will have to make two trips, with all those flowers! I will be watching for your message to open my gate. :)
I also just finished filling my locker with your items, so I'll add you as well and head over after snow picks up their pictures. :) (I'll be coming on my second character who had more locker space - Kam2)
oh, phooey, glad I saved. my wifi crashed...will reopen as soon as it comes up...I'm sorry...
Mayor and town name: Mayor Hyun of Kaisou
- antique shelf
- flower display case
- kitchen refrigerator
- store shelf (pink)
TBT total: 8 TBT
Delivery or pick-up: pick-up please! ^^
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