shush YOU'RE FINE, you know I wouldn't be able to stay away from your thread for long anyway //shrugs
Also damn if you're still "finding" your own style then you're doing an amazing job; all your work screams KANAA MADE THIS to me. So OF COURSE you're doing something well, your gallery is always a pleasure to visit ;-]
PSSH I might get what you mean about chibis, since it's always weird doing something in a certain style and then working on something in a completely different one. I can see why they can be annoying, haha! YOU SHINE SO MUCH WITH COMPLEX DESIGNS THOUGH, I'd absolutely trust you with those. I bet you'd nail D.Va in her mech or something insane like that.
and I'M GLAD WE COULD FINALLY DECIDE ON A SET! icons featuring those two amazing ladies are COMING UP...
come to me anytime to feed your matching icon addition honestly
I LOVE YOUR WORK AND I'LL ALWAYS BE WILLING TO SHOWER YOU WITH COMPLIMENTS BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!! More people are starting to comment too which is amazing aaaah
ok yeah I already raved about this but I'M HAPPY YOU FINALLY GOT TO DO THE "MEET THE ARTIST" THING!! I mean, look at this!! LOOK AT THIS AMAZING INDIVIDUAL WITH COOL HAIR!!
hehe THANK U!! i wonder what makes my style different from others, is it the hair?? is it the eyes?
AWWwwe I'M SAYING THE SAME TO U!! Everytime I get that gallery update info I'M SUPER EXCITED!
oh gosh, D.Va in her mech sounds like death to my soul rn. ALTHOUGh i feel like it would be good practice since I never usually draw full out armored outfits !!! maybe someday...if i ever feel like it :')
YESSS!! I'm looking forward to seeing what YOUR AMAZING GFX SKILLS CREATE!!!!! I'm so excited!! I can't believe I never told u about how much I love matching icons
yesss! I'm super glad to see more people around here and I hope I get to see them in the future too
YUP!! SUPER glad to finally be able to do the meet the artist (haha i should really make the colors darker //squints so hard to read...)
Favorite team: Nekoma!!!
Favorite player: uhhH... Kuroo?
Favorite 2nd team: Aobajousai
- - - Post Merge - - -
Also you drew yourself on point nya!!! You really look like that
And someone who likes kpop too gud gud
YON ur super close but no nekoma isn't my favorite!!!
KUROO is so freaking cool but not him either!! aha and not Aobajousai
so many ppl like this team tho so i can see why u would guess that heh
yes yes kpop is good, everyone should listen
Yayy! I was right to name my villagers then lmao
Flurry is so cute!! In the winter she blends in with the snow so adorably ;_; She was in Yurei when I started it and she didn't fit my theme but I just had to keep her, she's too cute to let go

Can I ask which villagers you have? I'm curious
Your hair must be so beautiful omg
Favorite NPC... Is it Isabelle?
omg I feel, at first I never knew about Flurry and I never paid attention to the hamster villagers very much and then when I saw that she was normal and a SUPER cutie my heart exploded ajshfdlkj so cute i'm in love
ahah my hair is okayyy, kinda annoying sometimes :')
yes!! I have Stitches, Cherry, Rosie, Flurry, Walker, Kabuki, Marshal, Kid Cat, and Diana
and then my other town has villagers i can't remember
i should go check on that town now that i mention it
nope not Isabelle!
ahh fauna is very pretty but a shame it was the wrong ans...
HELLO IT IS MY LIFE aHHHH | ͡? ͜ʖ ͡? ) チラッ
Fav team: karasuno?
Fav chara: I remember you drawing/rting kageyama heaps wwww so kageyammaa tobiooo
2nd fav team: I think yon already guessed aoba jousai so imma guess Fukurōdani! (Cos bokuto hnnnnnnn)
Fav team: yes hahaha
Fav chara: hehe yup
2nd fave: nope!! (i love bokuto tho so cute)
i was betting on u or yon to guess my fave team/chara hehe
oop also, i don't wanna elongate this giveaway more than it has to so i'll be ending tomorrow and choose
two lucky winners ;D
also probably going to post oneeeee more guessing question
End Time: Sunday, May 7th @9pm CST
will be picking through !! GL everyone!! <3