Katie in Normandy


greetings :]
Jun 11, 2013
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
100% (75) +
Hey everyone. There is a kitty in my town named Katie who wants to travel to another town. Can I add one of you all to my friend's list long enough to drop her off? Or if you are an adult and wouldn't mind me visiting I can stay and play for a little bit too, but it's ok if you'd rather I just drop her off and leave. My friend code is:

I just added you. Will you be opening your gates any time soon? :) Looking forward to dropping Katie off.
Hi I am not new to the animal crossing series I have played all of the games and i know how frustrating it is when people you think you can trust ruin your town and I have had it done to Me in the past I am a respectful player and just want to have fun I have read all of the rules and will follow them i hope you add me - 3ds friend code: 2165 - 5335 - 5172 name: jack town: Japan
Jack Dean I think you might have accidentally responded to the wrong post. I just want to drop Katie off at another town real quick- no rules or anything like that have been posted here to be read.