My Order Form!
Mayor Name: Ploopa
Town Name: Houdini
Friend Code: Sidebar (we're added probably!)
What I want to buy: creepy cauldron, creepy crystal, greenhouse box, hourglass, kiki and lala wand, pot rack, wooden stool x4 (orderables are allowed more than 1 right? )
TBT Offer: 16 tbt?
Hey! I'm back for the umpteenth time.
My Order Form!
Mayor Name: Ploopa
Town Name: Houdini
Friend Code: Sidebar
What I want to buy: basement floor, basement wall, creepy cauldron, perfume bottles, stained glass
TBT Offer: How does 9 tbt sound?
I don't actually have any Saharah items, so I don't have the basement wall or floor >.< I'm sorry!
Hi, me again! I forgot that I need a sink and natural low table as well. Is 10 tbt okay?
Yes, of course! I'll let you know when I've got everything together c:
5 tbt for the 2017 cake? Also do you have gracie clothes? I'm looking for the tortise specs
My Order Form!
Mayor Name: Hannah
Town Name: Treasure
Friend Code: in sidebar
What I want to buy: amiibo shelf, bamboo grove wall, billboard, board game, casablanca lillies, celeste ribbon, cupcake, disk writer, drink machine, flower fairy wig, game cub drawer, giant game boy, hyrulean treasure, ice cream display, inkopolis sign, inkopolis table, lotus pond, modern cash register, nintendo 3ds station, nintendo bench, reception window, snack machine, wall mounted tv, wii u station, wii u console
TBT Offer: 52 tbt
sorry if this is a lot im trying to fill up my house