Hey! The only thing I don't have the backpack. Is that okay?
Of course, that's fine! Since you have so much I kinda stopped checking (sooorry lol).
Hey! The only thing I don't have the backpack. Is that okay?
Mayor name: Kyra
Town name: Amos
FC: in sidebar
Buying: http://moridb.com/catalogs/xO6zPzhxl3
Offer: 40 tbt
My Order Form!
Mayor Name: Shu
Town Name: Magnolia
Friend Code: 1822-0391-7422
What I want to buy: 1 Jacob's ladder, a gold tool set, the princess set, a cradle, an elephant slide, one kiddie table, a potty and one stroller
TBT Offer: 95
EDIT: your catalouge is super impressive :O
My Order Form!
Mayor Name: Katie
Town Name: Ele Cove
Friend Code:
What I want to buy:Glass Partition, Modern wash station, Natural bench, Natural Chair, Natural lamp, Natural low table, natural table, standing TV, Gold Shovel, Gold Rod, Gold Net
TBT Offer: 35 Tbt
My Order Form!
Mayor Name: Kathy
Town Name: Verona
Friend Code: 0302-1194-9433
What I want to buy: whole pizza, minimalist sofa, glass screen, computer desk, teacher’s desk, basket chair
TBT Offer: 10 tbt
Lmk if you don't have anything, I wasn't sure