Cycling Kaybe's Cycling Village; ☆Status: OFF ☆

Gave Chrissy to friend [Sorry, it was her last dreamie & She helped me get 2 of my dreamies ;o;]

Kid Cat moved in!
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Gave Chrissy to friend [Sorry, it was her last dreamie & She helped me get 2 of my dreamies ;o;]

Kid Cat moved in!

Bummer. :< you should've told me she was reserved, but it's alright! I'll be exiting for now, then. <:
I've been looking for Klaus so please don't auto void him!
I've been looking for Klaus so please don't auto void him!

You're in luck! He is in boxes.

I was coming on to say I was voiding him, then I saw your thread!

Please add my FC, and come pick him up!

Bummer. :< you should've told me she was reserved, but it's alright! I'll be exiting for now, then. <:
I'm so sorry, she reminded me at the last second >.<;
Oh, I don't blame you.
I've been looking for Erik & Elise for 2 months, just to lose them overnight while I was sleeping. lol
I have a bad habit where IF I see Kyle- or another dreamie, I will stalk the thread and not sleep properly..
THAT is how bad I am..
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You're the best! Thank you thank you thank you! I've wanted klaus for so long :D
You're the best! Thank you thank you thank you! I've wanted klaus for so long :D

Thank you, that's so kind of you. :)

I have a bad habit where IF I see Kyle- or another dreamie, I will stalk the thread and not sleep properly..
THAT is how bad I am..
Oh lord, well goodnews. I'll be up for a good while. Just make sure you call grabs first. <3