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Avatar: Legend of Aang is so good! Have you seen Korra yet?

It is! I've missed it, been like a year and a half since I watch the whole series. So I'm really happy to be watching it again. Plus the boyfriend had never seen it so it was a fantastic opportunity to introduce him to the gang. No! Not yet, but once we've gotten through Aang's series we'll be right in remember reading about the "upcoming" Legend of Korra last time I watched LoA. I just hate having to wait for the boyfriend to be 'in the right mood' to watch it. I just want to cake it all at once! Eat up all of Aang and Katara and Sokkas story so I can start devouring Korra!

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Hahahah yeah. When I rewatched The Last Airbender, I went through allll of it in a couple days ._. I was pretty obsessed. Korra is so good! I think The Last Airbender was better but there are moments where Korra just really shines.
Hahahah yeah. When I rewatched The Last Airbender, I went through allll of it in a couple days ._. I was pretty obsessed. Korra is so good! I think The Last Airbender was better but there are moments where Korra just really shines.

I get so obsessed too. I watched the whole series in a couple of days too, but only because boyfriend was away for those couple of days.
I'm really excited to see Korra, but yeah, even having not seen it yet I know I'm always going to love Aang and the gang more.

The credit song from LoA makes me so happy and I just remember coming home from school and just plonking down by myself in front of Aang. Oh the memories.
Oh man.. when The Last Airbender first went up on Netflix I was like O____________O I NEED DIS. Plowed through it all LOL. I'm really tempted to watch it again because my boyfriend hasn't seen it either.. Hmm. I hope he'll watch it all with me! xD Aang is so wonderful. He really is amazing for an Avatar that's so young. It's always seemed so surreal to me that he's able to do all the things that he can do ;o
Gaston has decided to move! Holding him for 30mins because I know someone wanted him really bad & hybrids need to be moved to mule on there >.<
Oh man.. when The Last Airbender first went up on Netflix I was like O____________O I NEED DIS. Plowed through it all LOL. I'm really tempted to watch it again because my boyfriend hasn't seen it either.. Hmm. I hope he'll watch it all with me! xD Aang is so wonderful. He really is amazing for an Avatar that's so young. It's always seemed so surreal to me that he's able to do all the things that he can do ;o

Watch it again watch it again! Hmmmmm yeah see the difficult thing with watching it with your boyfriend is that he has to be in the mood to watch it at the same time you are, which is a hassle, it's so much better being able to watch it at your own pace. But he might get just as obsessed as you! Who knows!

He just seems like such a awesome person, kind and caring, he only ever really wants to make people he cares about happy, and when he does things for himself or because of his own feelings he feels horrible. He's so young too, yet a far better person than a lot of adults could ever even hope to be. And he isn't even like that because he's the avatar and has to be, that's who he is. Plus, he's a super talented bender :D
I think I should! I'm probably going to find all the episodes tomorrow or something.. hrmmm. Maybe I should get some snacks and drinks hehe. I totally wish I could bend! If you could bend one element, what would it be? ;o
I think I should! I'm probably going to find all the episodes tomorrow or something.. hrmmm. Maybe I should get some snacks and drinks hehe. I totally wish I could bend! If you could bend one element, what would it be? ;o

You 100% absolutely should. Get some noms and just blob out with Aangy =D

Haha okay so I'm going to answer twice and I'll tell you why.

First, i'd choose the one i feel like I would have been if I was born in that universe.


Air because when I was younger I had this sort of fantasy in my head that I was a Princess of Nature and had some sort of mysterious control of the wind. I would feel like whenever I was angry or upset the wind would howl and bash the house, and it wasn't just coincidence. So I thought, "okay i'll try to harness this," and I remember standing outside and taking a big breath in while pushing my energy out into the world and all the wind started to pick up and I thought "Yup, I'm definitely a Princess of Nature. No doudaboudit." I was about 7 :D

Sercretly, I sorta so still think I am, at 20years old. But shhh, don't post that on any public forums or anything.

My next answer will be



Earth would be my second choice. Because I think it's pretty cool =D

Oh, and I wanna be like Toph

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Aww haha. I love your reasoning behind Air! It's adorable :3 For me, I'd choose Fire. I've always liked the idea of Fire bending and being able to bend lightning too is wicked awesome!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Aww haha. I love your reasoning behind Air! It's adorable :3 For me, I'd choose Fire. I've always liked the idea of Fire bending and being able to bend lightning too is wicked awesome!

That is really cool! I love the introduction of the subsets later on in the series, like metal bending and bloodbending.
It just made me think about what the subset for air was though. I couldn't think of one so googled it, and I really like the explanation.

It said that airbending probably doesn't have a subset because of the nature of airbending. It was used by pacifists who never wanted to fight but used their bending for defense, whereas the subsets that exist are all offensive.
It did say that perhaps soundbending was a subset though. Which is quite cool.
Wooah. Sound bending sounds awesome ._. I wonder what that would be like.
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Yup! I reeeeally want her. It would make my boyfriend so happy. She's one of his only dreamies. He never asks for much of me so when he does, I want to do my best to help him! <3