keep us updated

Took my first story of wattpad due to the very reason that just wasn't quality

Planning on getting practice in creative writing class
just finished hosting the "loot my town" event on gamefaqs!, pretty fun!!
Why do you feel like you can't tell your therapist the truth? They have an agreement where they can only talk to you about things that happen in therapy sessions.

lmao didnt see this until now but basically they have to tell your parents if they "worry" about your safety, so for example they have to report it to my parents if i am suicidal or if i am beeing threathened etc.

also my therapist is very nice and rly good but i'm kinda ashamed of what i'm lying about + it just feels really awkward to talk about so i just Avoid it completely lmao which is stupid because i shouldnt feel likecthat but Yeah :<

anyways 2 update u all i have four avocado emojis on kik and i won two of the rare avocadon't so i gave the spare to my sister and now i feel Super Lucky and i probably wont win any rare ones ever again rip
TBTing while my dad's in the shower, about to get off, will be back when he's at work
going to plant my venus fly trap seeds soon, i cant wait!, im naming both of them "philip" and "kanye"! i also decided to name my apple sappling "supprannoe"
downloaded badlands and i love it... gives me eargasms lmao.
Just downloaded Eden Eternal again, let's see how empty the game is.