Ken's in boxes now and looking for a good home. He's not actually in his original outfit (although at least I finally got him to change out of the ridiculous jester shirt Lucha sent him for a laugh) but it's close. And his house isn't bad, could be easily restored or even made better than the original.

Funny, everything about him makes me think he's a cranky but no, he's actually a smug. If you could use a chicken who loves to dance and collects historical japanese furniture, let me know -- he's in boxes now but I have to boot him to make room as soon as I hear from the person I need to go adopt my newest villager from. thanks!

Funny, everything about him makes me think he's a cranky but no, he's actually a smug. If you could use a chicken who loves to dance and collects historical japanese furniture, let me know -- he's in boxes now but I have to boot him to make room as soon as I hear from the person I need to go adopt my newest villager from. thanks!
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