Kenny reviews all spongebob episodes ever! Season 1 currently up! More Coming soon!


It's raining men.
Feb 12, 2014
Small Mailbox
Pear (Fruit)
Heres an idea.

First of all, i give full credit to youtube reviewer PIEGUYRULZ for the style of these reviews. I like your style, and full credit goes to you.

So, I will be reviewing every spongebob episode. I will add new seasons as i get around to rewatching them.
I will be using the 3 ranks used by the aformentioned youtuber. Good, Meh and Scumbob depending on how good the episode is. I want you to contribute too, though. State your opinions on episodes! I would love to hear them. Also like his reviews i will have a best moment and best quote.

Here i go. This will be one long post. After I'm done reviewing all these episodes though, ill probably be richer than Flop and Jake combined...

The format is:

Episode name: Obvious.
Production number: (eg Help wanted is 1a, Reef Blower is 1b etc. Specials will usually have patchy segments in them, and will be labelled such as XXSB for the spongebob part and XXPC for Patchy segments. Season one, however has no patchy segments.)
Airdate: Obvious
Plot: A basic summary of the the plot, short but gives away no spoilers. I dont want to state all the details.
Best moment: What moment did i find funniest/touching/just awesome?
Best quote: The best phrase said in the episode, along with who said it.
Overall Rank: What i think and how good the episode is
Anything extra, if needed.


Episode name: Help Wanted
Production number: 1a
Airdate: May 1, 1999
Plot: Spongebob prepares during his morning to finally get his dream job at the Krusty Krab. Mr Krabs gets spongebob to buy something that cant possibly exist, but does. After the restraunt gets flooded with anchovies, Spongebob saves the day.
Best moment: Spongebob feeding all the anchovies with tiny tims music.
Best quote: "I want my mommy, Mr Squidward!" [Mr Krabs, being flung into the air by anchovies]
Overall Rank: This episode sets the series into motion and is a great, nice episode. It has funny gags and does a good job of introducing these characters. It is a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Reef Blower
Production number: 1b
Airdate: May 1, 1999
Plot: With no sound at all, Spongebob messes around with a leaf blower and annoys squidward. Mostly visual gags. Squidwards lawn ends up messy at the end.
Best moment: Spongebob sucking up the whole ocean.
Best quote: There is no voices in this episode.
Overall Rank: Unlike later episodes, the shorter running time makes the visual comedy work more in this episode. Its an episode with just gags and messing around. GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Tea at the Treedome
Production number: 1c
Airdate: May 1, 1999
Plot: Spongebob meets a squirrel named Sandy and notices her air helmet. After a mistaken direction by patrick, about airs being fancy, he goes in to the treedome. However, the dome is full of air. The rest of the episode is spongebob trying to survive in air. Sandy comes up with a clever solution to this.
Best moment: Patrick telling spongebob about pinkys and fanciness.
Best quote: "I dont need it... I dont need it... I NEED IT!" [Spongebob after seeing a cold glass of water.]
Overall Rank: Serves the purpose of introducing sandy, and answers a basic question: What happens if spongebob was put into air? GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Bubblestand
Production number: 2a
Airdate: July 17, 1999
Plot: Spongebob opens a stand to teach people about blowing bubbles. Mostly gags relating to squidward being unable to because he doesnt do the technique. He does create a huge bubble eventually. I wont spoil what the ending is though
Best moment: The technique. Is there even a contest?
Best quote: "Its a giraffe!" [Patrick, talking about an elephant balloon]
Overall Rank: A basic episode with a lot of fun gags. Bring it around tooooowwwwn! The pelvic woo! GOOD EPSIODE.

Episode name: Ripped Pants
Production number: 2b
Airdate: July 17, 1999
Plot: Spongebob and sandy are at the beach. During some weight lifting, spongebob accidentally rips his pants. He plays with the gag until he overuses it, and even pretends to die for a gag. Everyone, including sandy leaves him. He gains friendship again after he sings a song.
Best moment: The song, obviously.
Best quote: "AM I THE BIGGEST LOSER ON THE BEACH?" [Spongebob, questioning himself]
Overall Rank: The song in this episode is awesome and some of the ripped pants gags are funny. But the episode is still a little bit light on humor. Apart from the song, i dont remember too much. First episode i will have to give a MEH EPISODE ranking. It needed a little more humor to be good.

Episode name: Jellyfishing
Production number: 3a
Airdate: July 31, 1999
Plot: Spongebob and patrick annoy squidward and try to get him to go jellyfishing. He doesnt want to and rides his bike instead. He gets into an accident leaving him in a wheelchair. Spongebob and Patrick tries to give squidward a best day ever (Not that one, we will get there though...). Squidward cannot reply because his mouth is bandaged up. They take squidward jellyfishing. Squidward encounters a king jellyfish and gets stung again. He gets the jellyfish from yesterday and he releases it on spongebob. Something happens in the ending, no spoils though.
Best moment: That ending.
Best quote: "FIRMLY GRASP IT!" [Patrick, trying to get a bandaged squidward to hold the net"
Overall Rank: This introduces another one of spongebobs intrests. This is also the first episode in what i call "Squidward torture episodes". In this episode, however, squidward is kind of a jerk to deserve being stung, and patrick and spongebob cant understand him. They really do want to help, they just arent very good at it. Either way, GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Plankton!
Production number: 3b
Airdate: July 31, 1999
Plot: Krabs tells of the greatest enemy to the krusty krab: Plankton. He has tried to steal the formula for years, but fails. He uses a device to control spongebob, and trys to get one.
Best moment: Planktons lab(rador). And his actual lab is pretty cool.
Best quote: "Shut your mouth you mediocre clarinet player." [Technically plankton, it is his voice and words, but it is coming out of spongebobs mouth. I will class it as plankton. Said to squidward.]
Overall Rank: A nice fun episode about plankton stealing the formula. He does fail, but comes incredibly close. Plus just the basic fun of the episode and gags. "A booster seat? Hot dog!". GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Naughty Nautical Neighbours
Production number: 4a
Airdate: August 7, 1999
Plot: Spongebob and patrick send messages to each other via bubbles. When squidward intervenes, he ruins the pairs friendship. After getting annoyed by both, he tries to make them both friends again.
Best moment: The constant refilling of the bubbly water.
Best quote: "Squidward is my best friend in the world... Squidward is my best friend in the sea..." [Spongebob and his terrible cello skills.]
Overall Rank: Splitting two best friends is an interesting but not new concept. Using squidward as the middleman and as both of their new friends gives a nice twist. Gags are funny and overall its just a nice episode. GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Boating school
Production number: 4b
Airdate: August 7, 1999
Plot: Spongebob fails his boating test for the 37th 38th time. After this, Patrick helps spongebob win by cheating. Once he finds out its cheating however... things happen.
Best moment: Patrick squarepants!
Best quote: "Oh spongebob, Whyyyyyyyy." [Ms puff, after being inflated in an accident. Deep voice here.]
Overall Rank: Shows spongebob trying to pass boating school. This was before this whole subplot got annoying and ms puff got jailed for every single little thing. A classic episode. Plus also features the first my leg gag, and also Spongebobs diary, soon to become the focus of one of the worst episoded ever. This however is not one of the worst. GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Pizza Delivery
Production number: 5a
Airdate: August 14, 1999
Plot: Mr krabs creates a krusty krab pizza to send to a customer. Squidward and spongebob have to get it there. Cue a lot of gags until they get there when the customer denies it. Squidward will not take this however.
Best moment: What squidward does when the customer denies the pizza. No spoilers, but its heartwarming and funny.
Best quote: "Its not just a boulder, its a rock!" [Spongebob after seeing a rock which he can drive. Begging the question of why he doesnt just drive rocks everywhere.]
Overall Rank: This episode is in my top 5 episodes ever. A long time ago this episode was voted number one in a contest for next episode. I originally thought about which was better: Sand castles in the sand or this, and sand castles won out just because i like it more (Yes a season 7 episode is my 3rd favourite episode). This episode is one of the greatest ever. GOOD EPISODE, guaranteed.

Episode name: Home Sweet Pineapple
Production number: 5b
Airdate: August 14, 1999
Plot: Spongebobs house gets eaten by nematodes. He tries to find a new one but cant and has to move back with his parents. However, his house does reappear.
Best moment: SPIDERS!
Best quote: "Hes leaving hes leaving!" [Squidward, on spongebob leaving.]
Overall Rank: This episode has a few gags, but overall i found it to be rather boring. I have to give it a MEH EPISODE ranking. There isnt enough laughs.

Episode name: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy (I)
Production number: 6a
Airdate: August 21, 1999
Plot: Spongebob and patrick go to a retirement home to see their favourite superheros, who are now rather old and out of service. Spongebob and patrick want to get them out of retirment while they want their tv fixed. They fake crimes and do various activites. They eventually got the New super adventures of mermaidman and barnacleboy to come on air.
Best moment: Just the attempts at getting the heroes active.
Best quote: "No, but im married." [Spongebob, on apparently getting married.]
Overall Rank: A GOOD EPISODE. The fun in trying to get these guys in action works exceedingly well.

Episode name: Pickles
Production number: 6b
Airdate: August 21, 1999
Plot: An obese bass named Bubble Bass (yeah dat adult joke) comes to the krusty krab and makes a tricky order. However, the pickles are missing. Spongebob then loses his confidence, and turns mad. When he gets it back and tries again, the pickles are still missing. However, he finds the pickles in a rather unusual location,
Best moment: Just the whole mad spongebob thing
Best quote: "You forgot the pickles!" [Bubble bass]
Overall Rank: Works well with a few gags and the first insanity plot (Something that happens often in spongebob), But overall is a great, GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Hall Monitor
Production number: 7a
Airdate: August 28, 1999
Plot: Spongebob gets hall monitor duty, and takes it far too far. Then he is wanted by the police. Patrick misdirects spongebob, as he is the crazy monitor, so he tries to chase himself.
Best moment: Open window maniac. I wont leave windows open anymore
Best quote: I actually dont have a quote for this. I couldnt really choose one.
Overall Rank: A basic episode with absolutely hilarious gags. GOOD EPISODE.
This is also the first episode where ms puff goes to jail. A theme in modern spongebob (Ms puff MUST go to jail at the end of a boating school episode through no fault of her own, unless she has actually done something that should make her jailed. Apparently attempted murder is allowed in bikini bottom. One day we will get to that episode...)

Episode name: Jellyfish Jam
Production number: 7b
Airdate: August 28, 1999
Plot: Spongebob brings home a jellyfish. Gags happen, Raves happen, Squidward is a jerk, Squidward gets stung and Gary comes up with a clever solution
Best moment: The rave. DOO DOO DOO DOO DEE DOO
Best quote: "Ba ba ba ba ba! Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba! Ba ba ba ba ba!" [Those clams at the end.]
Overall Rank: A great premise, with lots of gags. Jellyfish are quite funny, just like this GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Sandy's Rocket
Production number: 8a
Airdate: September 4, 1999
Plot: Sandy creates a rocket. Spongebob and Patrick end up in the rocket, get to space, but crash down into earth. They believe all of their friends are aliens.
Best moment: Squidward as an "alien". The egg sac as a hot water bottle? Its just hilarious.
Best quote: "Who turned the heavy back on?" [Patrick, after gravity returns/]
Overall Rank: Spongebob and patrick really do work in this episode, just the paranoia and jokes work well. GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Squeaky boots
Production number: 8b
Airdate: September 4, 1999
Plot: Mr Krabs buy his daughter Pearl a pair of squeaky boots. She doesnt like them. Spongebob buys them off of mr krabs, and he annoys everyone. Mr krabs needs to stop spongebob before he goes insane.
Best moment: Mr krabs being tormented by the squeak.
Best quote: "The deed is done." [Mr krabs, after getting rid of the boots in an odd way.]
Overall Rank: You dont forget that squeak. This episode is bordering on meh territory, but at the end i decided that its a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Nature pants
Production number: 9a
Airdate: September 11, 1999
Plot: Spongebob decides to live his life among jellyfish. Patrick and sandy try to lure him back. Patrick goes rather mad and tries to catch spongebob like a jellyfish. After getting kicked out my jellyfish and sleeping in a cave, spongebob returns home to a party.
Best moment: Patrick trying to catch spongebob.
Best quote: "Give him 11 minutes." [Squidward, refrencing the average running time of a SB episode]
Overall Rank: I do think this episode is ok, but i have to give it a MEH EPISODE ranking, if only by a hair. Its just a little bit weak.

Episode name: Opposite day
Production number: 9b
Airdate: 11 September, 1999
Plot: Spongebob and patrick celebrate opposite day. Squidward finally decides to move out, but spongebob and patrick pretend to be squidward. He doesnt get to move, but thats not much of a spoiler
Best moment: Spongebob as squidward is HILARIOUS. Patrick as squidward is HILARIOUS.
Overall Rank: A great, fun episode dealing with squidward moving away, while leaving the possibility of another episode with this theme open (leading to a great episode). GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Culture Shock
Production number: 10a
Airdate: September 18, 1999
Plot: The krusty krab has a talent show and people perform acts. I dont have much else to say without spoiling the plot.
Best moment: Squidwards act.
Best quote: "He has such a way with words." [Sandy, on describing Garys "act"]
Overall Rank: This episode is one of my favourite. Its number 5 on my list. The acts are one huge hilarious gag. From planktons act, to Garys act, to squidwards act. I also like how Mr krabs actually puts her daughter ABOVE money. He is happy that she would be famous. That alone gives it a GOOD EPISODE rank.

Episode name: F.U.N
Production number: 10b
Airdate: September 18, 1999
Plot: Spongebob befriends plankton because he feels sorry for him. Is he plotting a trick? Or has he truly changed? What do you think...
Best moment: The F.U.N song. Is there any competiton?
Best quote: The lyrics to the fun song.
Overall Rank: Put aside the fun song, this episode has quite a good premise. I do like it, and it is a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: MuscleBob BuffPants
Production number: 11a
Airdate: September 25, 1999
Plot: Spongebob buys inflatable arms to fool people into thinking he is buff. But when sandy signs him up for an anchor toss, spongebob must reveal his lie.
Best moment: Spongebob failing to lift a drink.
Best quote: "IM NO WIMP! IM A JERK!" [Spongebob, on his muscular status.]
Overall Rank: While i didnt like this episode much when i was younger, i do like it now. It is a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Squidward the unfriendly ghost
Production number: 11b
Airdate: September 25, 1999
Plot: Spongebob and patrick think they killed squidward, and have to bow to his "ghosts" whims.
Best moment: Squidwards funeral and what they do to him.
Best quote: "One watermelon, fresh from the manure field!" [Patrick]
Overall Rank: This episode is a weird episode. The dark themes are nice and suprising on how they got past the censors (they even say dead, something usually never done). This was the late 90s however, and considering what other nick shows (ESPECAILLY rockos modern life) got away with this doesnt seem too off. What i dont like though is a lot of this episode. Sorry but i have to give it a SCUMBOB EPISODE ranking. Its far too boring and theres a lot of weirdness. I just dont like it.

Episode name: The Chaperone
Production number: 12a
Airdate: October 2, 1999
Plot: Spongebob has to take Pearl to her prom. Things happen, mostly disasterous.
Best moment: The sponge.
Best quote: "Now your doing the sponge!" [Some guy singing]
Overall Rank: This episode has a rather silly twist. I don't like it, and there isnt enough jokes. The sponge however, prevents it from being scummy. MEH EPISODE, because the sponge.

Episode name: Employee of the month
Production number: 12b
Airdate: October 2, 1999
Plot: Spongebob and squidward compete for emplyee of the month. Who will win?
Best moment: Just them getting to the krusty krab.
Best quote: I dont have a quote for this episode. I cannot decide on one.
Overall Rank: I have to say that the gags in this episode are hilarious. A lot of season one is gag based, and this episode is a great example of good funny gags. GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Scaredy pants
Production number: 13a
Airdate: October 28, 1999
Plot: Spongebob wants to be scarier. Patrick decides to disguise him as the ghost of the flying ductchmans ghost. After making spongebob round, he tries to scare people at the Krusty Krab, where a party is going on. When the flying dutchman appears (the real one) spongebob reveals a secret, scaring everyone.
Best moment: That twist ending.
Best quote: "Yes, as a matter of fact they do." [Mr Krabs, on the fact souls look like pickles"
Overall Rank: This is a great halloween special, with that epic twist and the haunted sleeping bag. I love it. GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: I Was a Teenage Gary
Production number: 13b
Airdate: October 28, 1999
Plot: Squidward takes care of gary but forgets to feed him. Spongebob gets injected with snail medicine and becomes a snail himself. Squidward also becomes a snail after an incident.
Best moment: The 3 snails meowing at the end and patrick throwing a rock at snailward.
Best quote: "Whats happening to me-ow?" [Spongebob halfway through being a snail]
Overall Rank: I have to say, this episode is a BOREFEST. There are far too few jokes and i dont really like it. I have to give it a SCUMBOB EPISODE ranking just because it bores me greatly.

Episode name: SB-129
Production number: 14a
Airdate: New Years Eve 1999
Plot: Squidward tries to get peace from spongebob and discovers a time machine. He goes forwards in time, Backwards in time and god knows where that white place is.
Best moment: That future. I just love it.
Best quote: " FUUUUUUUUTUREEEEE" [Squidward on finding out there is 1000+ spongebobs in the future]
Overall Rank: This is a hilarious episode. It is more story based, and it centres on squidward, something new at this point. I really think this is a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Karate Choppers
Production number: 14b
Airdate: New Years Eve 1999
Plot:Sandy and Spongebob play karate. After spongebob gets fired for being too addicted, He is rehired on the bounds that he stops karate. Both of them try to not play karate but fail. They create good sandwiches through karate, and mr krabs uses this to his advantages.
Best moment: Trying to not play karate.
Best quote: "Almost some." [Sandy, after spongebob tries to come up with an activity.]
Overall Rank: I like this episode more than i used to. The karate gags are interesting. Its weird they act like junkies without their drugs when they stop. Either way, GOOD EPISODE. This is also the last episode to air in 1999.

Episode name: Sleepy time
Production number: 15a
Airdate: January 17, 2000
Plot: Spongebob is asleep. He visits the dreams of his friends. Hilarity ensues.
Best moment: Moby Dollar.
Best quote: "Boys will never understand the sophistication of tea parties. Isnt that right mr stuffy?" [Pearl, talking to spongebob looking for her dads dream.]
Overall Rank: This is another episode with huge funny gags. Its just a hilarious laughfest. GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Suds
Production number: 15b
Airdate: January 17, 2000
Plot: Spongebob catches the sponge equivalent of a cold, the suds. He asks sandy to take him to the doctor. Patrick misinforms him and becomes his doctor after he becomes scares. He grows bigger and gets taken to the doctor anyway and gets the "Sponge treatment" to cure him. Patrick gets his own treatment too.
Best moment: Both treatments.
Best quote: "they make you read OLD MAGAZINES!" [Patrick]
Overall Rank: A fabulous episode, about patrick being a doctor. Its hilarous, funny and a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Valentine's Day
Production number: 16a
Airdate: Valentines Day, 2000
Plot: Spongebob and sandy want to give patrick a valentines day present, a giant chocolate hot air balloon. Sandy runs into trouble delivering it, and patrick gets mad when he thinks a high five is his present. He goes INSANE. Soon they deliver it however
Best moment: Crazy patrick
Best quote: "I DEFY YOU, HEART MAN!" [Patrick, before ripping a guy in a costume up]
Overall Rank: A basic premise, a Basic pay-off. I still like it greatly. A GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: The paper
Production number: 16b
Airdate: Valentines Day, 2000
Plot: Spongebob does stuff with paper. Squidward wants the paper back as he gave it to him. He traded everything he owns. But he cannot do what spongebob can.
Best moment: Practically all the paper gags.
Best quote: "Hey, a useless piece of paper." [Patrick]
Overall Rank: A basic episode. It borders on meh territory, but i will give it a GOOD EPISODE rank, if barely. The gags are funny somethimes but forgettable. One of the reasons this episode is forgettable to a lot of people is that it airs with Valentine's Day, which only airs on guess which day? This means its rare to air.

Episode name: Arrgh!
Production number: 17a
Airdate: March 15, 2000
Plot: Spongebob, patrick and Mr Krabs are playing a treasure hunting board game, causing them to go find the dutchmans treasure. Do they get it?
Best moment: Krabs getting the tiny dutchmans treasure.
Best quote: "Leedle leedle leedle lee" [Patrick]
Overall Rank: Gag on gag on gag on funny on funny on funny. Its a GOOD EPISODE through and through. It is absolutely hilarious.

Episode name: Rock Bottom
Production number: 17b
Airdate: March 15, 2000
Plot: Spongebob ends up in Rock bottom, after an accident going to glove world
Best moment: The vending machine.
Best quote: Anything to do with the raspberry blowing.
Overall Rank: This is one of the most memorable episodes ever. It is funny and dark. It is BEYOND a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Texas
Production number: 18a
Airdate: March 22, 2000
Plot: Sandy feels homesick and tries to go back to texas. Spongebob try to bring some of texas to bikini bottom with a party. He has to insult sandy to let her get there. She decides to stay.
Best moment: The party. Barby Q's? Peas in a can Pie? I love it.
Best quote: "Tex-aaaaas!" [Spongebob, shaking his butt putting emphasis on the -as bit. Made even better when sandy starts to blush.]
Overall Rank: A memorable episode with plot that makes you feel for everyone. It is a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Walking Small
Production number: 18b
Airdate: March 22, 2000
Plot: Plankton wants to open a "Mega Bucket" on the beach but his size prevents him from working it out. He manipulates spongebob to abuse the bathers. When he realizes, he fixes it.
Best moment: Spongebob ruining the day. The irony.
Best quote: There arent any quotes i can choose. Spongebob letting the guy having his ice cream mabye?
Overall Rank: Another episode that borders meh territory. But there are a few jokes that won me over and put me in the GOOD EPISODE territory.

Episode name: Fools in April
Production number: 19a
Airdate: April Fools Day 2000
Plot: Squidward gets annoyed by spongebobs pranks. he does a prank to spongebob that goes overload. Squidward then tries to apologise, but cant seem to.
Best moment: Squidward trying to apologise. Its heartwarming.
Best quote: "APRIL FOOLS!" [Spongebob/Squidward]
Overall Rank: Squidward being sorry pushes this episode into the good episode catergory. It is funny but heartwarming at the same time. A funny coincidence is that squidwards mother appears in this episode for the first time. she appears in Krusty Towers, exactly 6 years after this episode airs. GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Neptunes Spatula
Production number: 19b
Airdate: April Fools Day 2000
Plot: Spongebob and Patrick visit a museum and see a golden spatula. Spongebob lifts it a la sword in the stone, and Neptune appears. He challenges Neptune to a cookoff. He wins because he made his patties with care. He has to go to atlantis because he wins but refuses.
Best moment: The patty making scene
Best quote: "Body Slam!" [King Neptune and Larry in unison, comparing stength]
Overall Rank: A good, fun episode, with a lot of gags that work. GOOD EPISODE. Not much to say.

Episode name: Hooky
Production number: 20a
Airdate: April 8, 2000
Plot: Spongebob and patrick see the hooks have appeared. Hooks are apparently for riding and jumping off. Krabs tells them about how dangerous they are, but spongebob cant resist and continues. Soon he stops, and patrick learns the truth of hooks.
Best moment: Spongebob playing hooky with the hooks while also playing methaphorical hooky (truanting something). DOUBLE THE HOOKY!
Best quote: "Does this look unsafe to you?" [Patrick, with about 10 hooks in his mouth.]
Overall Rank: A great episode with a nice moral. Patrick gets punished, Spongebob learns and overall its a GOOD EPISODE.

Episode name: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II
Production number: 20b
Airdate: April 8, 2000
Plot: Spongebob gets a conch that allows him to summon the heroes. He wants to spend time with the heroes, so he constantly uses it. Spongebob joins them on his daily patrol after hearing this. They abandon him at a diner, but get eaten by the dirty bubble. Spongebob saves the day.
Best moment: Spongebob cant open mayo. He needs help.
Best quote: "SpringBoob SquirePin" [Fish Head, on the mispronounced winner of the conch]
Overall Rank: A great sequel to our heroes escapades. Basic, but great. GOOD EPISODE.

Season one has been finished! Overall, stats:

Good episodes: 35
Meh episodes: 4
Scumbob episodes: 2

This is a great season. While not the best (season 2 is better, although mabye that will change when i double review it) it is a hilarious season. Mostly gag based.


Now it is your turn. Post your opinions, while i go uncramp my hands.
Spongebob! I have seen almost every one! I hope to see some I haven't seen!