yellow and lions and love
Oh, unfortunate I might get tangy
Alright, just let me know if anything.
Oh, unfortunate I might get tangy
Shep, Flurry, Skye lurking please
May I lurk for Roscoe? c:
hey! could i possibly take both of them? c: and possibly with a discount since i'll be buying both? lol
110 for both? c:
sounds great to me! gimme a quick sec to get ready. c:
alright c:
Who would you like to grab first? haha
hmm possibly ruby? c: but either is ok!
Just FYI I Never Stopped Lurking For Shep
Can I buy Erik?
I had to reset my town and Goldie, Marshal and him are my favourites I am trying to reclaim! Already got Marshal via random move-in, so I really want Erik and Goldie now!
Let's go with pink, whatever it means. :')Ah, yes sure. I'll add you shortly. Also, blue, pink, or purple? c:
Let's go with pink, whatever it means. :')
Adding you now, let me know when your gates are open!
Alright! gates are open
Thank you sooo much! I am so happy to have Erik back! My town just felt wrong without him. Thanks for the roses too, will plant them in front of one of the houses for sure.