Kicks asked me if i wanted....


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2008
Kicks asked me if i wanted girl shoes. He didnt say that exactly, he said somthing along the lines of "I seemed to noticed you like masculine shoes. What about i cute them up a bit" And the choices were Sure, why not and no thanks. I picked no thanks.
I never knew he would ask you this. It was never on animal crossing websites. Has this happened to anyone else?

I wouldn't say yes to that if I were you.
That's odd...:/ That didn't occur to me before.
Poor Kicks, had some gender confusion there...
if you go to kicks a lot and have your shoes done, after so many times he says that.
um... he sits outside all the time. he's gotta get cold at some point.

he probly got a cold and got confused...
This happens if you visit him a lot and ask for your shoes shined everyday.
And sooner or later you'll befriend him, kind of like how Harriet gives you girl haircuts if your a boy.

That's how I got my french maid shoes.
lol. I've gone to him only twice. I don;t think Ill go to him again only because I really love the shoes he gave me the second time I saw him.

=^^= Nya