Kings of Chaos

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you have to put the email in twice storm... and i put it in right...

Are you sure you're checking the email it sent to? And did maybe it was sent to the spam folder. But if not, maybe just start a new account.
ROFL I just beat someone who had no weapons :p. And I have like 80 turns left. I just went to page 700 and picked someone :p.
Storm isn't cheating, I'm doing the same thing.
yojojo just attacked me becaused I phailed at spying on him. Storm, tell me how you got so many troops so that I can kill him :mad:
Super_Naruto said:
Okay I just got killled again. How are people doing so much damage? We both had like 50 troops.
You can upgrade defense and attack in general. It's at the bottom of the Armory
I'll think about telling more than just my officers.
Wait... are you just buying the mecenarys? Or is there something else you are doing?
No, and you can only have an army of 25% mercenaries I think. And they dont get you any more gold
I'll think about telling more than just my officers.
Wait... are you just buying the mecenarys? Or is there something else you are doing?
No, and you can only have an army of 25% mercenaries I think. And they dont get you any more gold
uhhg... please tell me, I'm really low on money and attack turns...
Super_Naruto said:
I'm really low on money and I have like 75 attack turns.
I have like 5

:( hmm... you get 48 a day.. If you don't use any.... so by tommorow I'll have 50+ if I just don't use anything.
You have to be logged in to get the turns.
Super_Naruto said:
I'm really low on money and I have like 75 attack turns.
I have like 5

:( hmm... you get 48 a day.. If you don't use any.... so by tommorow I'll have 50+ if I just don't use anything.
Um... it only adds them when you're logged on, right?
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