🥛 Kisses from Milkiss (a highschool anime arc?!) 🍶

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


½ sugar
Aug 23, 2015
Heart Glow Wand
Yellow Star Fragment
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Yellow Star Fragment
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Shooting Star
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand


How have you been? It's been so long since we last saw each other! I hope life has been treating you well so far.
As for me, I've moved elsewhere, an island that I can describe best as a sort of quaint, urban, Japanese town. The people, or should I say animals, here are quite the interesting bunch. It feels as if I'm in some sort of romantic comedy anime...
Oh, but enough of beating around the bush! I wrote to you to invite you to my graduation ceremony, it's held in spring when the cherry blossoms are at their peak. It's beautiful this time of the year, so I think you should definitely come visit. I can introduce you to all my friends, and we can shop in the market place, tour around the streets, drink by the beach side, and explore the forest in the outskirts of town. There's a museum here too if you want to tour it!
The address and name of the town is written on the picture attached to this letter. It's a lovely sight, isn't it? That's my school over there! You'll love it here, I promise.

Best wishes, and hope to hear from you soon,

Along with the picture of the island, it seems like they left a note and picture about themselves as well.
🌸 island rep: Spring
🌸 island: Milkiss
🌸 date of arrival: 07 July 2020
🌸 first villagers: Cherry & Lyman
🌸 island progress: ~50%
🌸 native fruit: peach
🌸 native flower: pansies
🌸 airport color: green
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I'm seriously so dumb at coding right now and I'm just pretending I don't have a quiz tomorrow ahahahah.

Villagers' cliques:
Bea squad: Bea, Sherb, Ruby, Felicity, Lily
A.k.a. the "soft squad", these are the list of officers of Milkiss' Academy Gardening Club. They regularly hold meetings and sleepovers at Ruby's (and Genji's) house.​

Genji squad: Genji, Shep, Lobo, Fuchsia, Vivian
A.k.a. the "rowdy ruff animals", they're just a bunch of animals who've come together for the most random of reasons. Despite being in different year levels, they're actually really close.​

Sorted according to year level (all in high school):
3rd year: Bea, Sherb, Genji, Fuchsia
2nd year: Vivian, Lily, Shep, Lobo
1st year: Ruby, Felicity

Let the high school drama arc of Milkiss' island begin!
Villager Info: the Bea squad


Bea looks to be the type who has her life together, being both the student council president and the gardening club president while keeping herself constantly in the top 10 of her batch. She is approachable, diligent, considerate, and quick to think on her feet. While her good traits are naturally seen by everyone around her, she internally sees herself as bland or boring, and wishes to go out of her comfort zone. Of course, with the pressure of being a role model, she feels she has a moral obligation to keep within her comfort zone lest those who look up to her will interpret it as something else and it will be all her fault.

For example, she has strictly prohibited herself to fall in love.
She thinks of love as nothing but a distraction, and for a council president to fall in love, in an outsider's perspective, will look like distractions from achieving your other goals are alright. She doesn't want to come off that way.

So, when one day she accidentally stumbles upon someone who encourages her to go out of her comfort zone, three years in high school seems longer than it should.


Many don't view Sherb with high standards, but they should think quite the contrary had they gotten to know him.

Sherb doesn't look much, but he's an absolute genius at mathematics. Lesser known facts are the rewards he's gotten from math competitions throughout his years in school, and he can compute anything Bea asks him to without whipping up writing materials or his phone calculator. In fact, Bea has chosen Sherb to be the council treasurer, because she knows just how well Sherb can handle numbers.

While he is a math prodigy, his laziness shows in his other subjects: he's pretty much average or slightly bad with most of them, the only subject he's above-average at besides math is computer science. Bea's reviewing for exams partially comes from having to tutor Sherb.

Bea and Sherb have has a strong foundation of friendship since junior high school. They see each other as best friends.

(will add more during my break times lmao)​