Kitaissa's Art Shop - closed

@IonicKarma hiii ur commish is done<3
don’t mind me just liking every single one of your masterpieces 🤧
@animal_hunter hi! Your commission is done! Hope u like it!!
It’s soooooooooo awesome thank you!! I love the yukata’s &background is awesome!😀😀😀
Please let me know when I can come deliver payment. Btw I just checked my beautiful statue it turned out it is a fake one not real. If you would like a real valiant instead of the fake one I can swap. Sorry for the mixup they look so similar.😓 I will not be on a lot today but will be on this weekend!! Thank you😀
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Ahhhh it’s amazing!!! I love it :D Please let me know when you’re available so I can drop off payment <3 cx