Could I reserve a spot until I get my art please for ref sheets?
That's fine Thank you!
Sent the bells.
Should I pay you now?
I will pay you now As I will forget and just spend it xD
Thank you!
oh wait -facepalm- I failed to see the banner section of the shop lol. should I use that in my post?
alright, ill if you'd like, probably easier
Username: Sparkanine
Font(s): -
Stock/BG (Link me if not from Tumblr page): mind picking?
Render (Good quality w/ flow please/Link if not from Tumblr): [x]
Style (If mixing pick only two): Special Effects.
Size (600X250/715X250): 600x250
Text: "Whatever you want written on your Banner here" -
alright, ill see.
- - - Post Merge - - -
there are so many cool characters and fire emblem oh my god (*^*)Yay, thanks for the updated form Whoo love Chrom<3 Will have fun with this one<3