Shop ┍Kitten's Graphics Shop|[Ref. Sheets/Avatars/Sigs/Banners/Etc.] (Closing Soon)

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Ok also how do you link stuff to your images and stuff like that? Cause ima get a new art of the same Oc soon i think and i wanna link that one to it too?

Just like this <:-----


Just for an example : )
Just like this <:-----


Just for an example : )

Wait so after u send me the button i paste this in whatever and put the url in the one u gave me? How does it work exactly lol confused sorry
Wait so after u send me the button i paste this in whatever and put the url in the one u gave me? How does it work exactly lol confused sorry

Ah just an example xD I will put the full code for yours in a moment just uploading now :3




let me know about any changes or if the code doesn't work 8'D
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Ok but yeah when i get my other piece of art can i have you help add it on to the button?

Hmmm typically with buttons you can ever add only one piece, I can make another one for variety though xD The size makes it impossible for too many more than one sorry TT_TT

Quoting again xD

Freebies left: 2 - Buttons

1. Post a render or an art piece of yours if you'd like
2. say what text you want be it a site name or shop name etc.
3. I can currently do some few animations i.e. sparkles, glow, just ask shall let you know :3
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Hmmm typically with buttons you can ever add only one piece, I can make another one for variety though xD The size makes it impossible for too many more than one sorry TT_TT

Quoting again xD

Ok nvm lol but would i be able to take off that link and switch it with another?
Oh ok and thanks also how much do u plan on selling the buttons for ima advertise for u!

Not much really, they're not terribly difficult, hmmm maybe 40-60 TBT not sure since they're small but not much haha xD and I appreciate that^^ People can suggest, but definitely not much : )
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