Shop ┍Kitten's Graphics Shop|[Ref. Sheets/Avatars/Sigs/Banners/Etc.] (Closing Soon)

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Hmmm only doing graphics and not art not quite sure, though I do use Photoshop CS5 and some I know use it for art; though sadly not free Dx

~,~ i need a free application for so i can try art on computers because im really good at computers so i wanna try it out just dont have the money to pay.

Will keep the temporary button shop up for now since I need to figure out where to add the button portion 8'D

Finally got more or less most of my buttons portion up in the banners section : ) I raised animated prices a bit as they take 1-2 hours at times, will definitely take suggestions though^^ Still going to add other animation choices so hold tight. Will also be shortly closing my temporary shop since I finally updated this shop!​
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Ok! Nice Job with shop too! ^^

Thanks : D Still sad I didn't have that single reserve though xD Oh well it works nicely at the very bottom of my banners section I suppose : ) Plenty of examples to go phew^^;

To passerby:

Going to update for a "Other" sig so people can order an OC/random pic sig as I noticed I only have the anime option haha so for those interested will be updating by tonight or tomorrow :3
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Gonna post nidalee's buttons on this thread when done :3 also gonna do some minor fixes on the anime sig section for other sigs as well^^


Last bump because this^ is essentially how I am going to ramp up my quality a little and add newer and better examples as well as maybe revamping into a brighter layout 8'D if anyone would like to see this as well feel free to comment :3 I feel I scare people away for some reason, so maybe more+HQ examples+new layout with quality would bring more people to order despite that shops can be very slow xD So yep, might continue staying open while I slowly revamp/update to better stuffs^^ I would do freebies for examples but feeling like I need to hurry feels awful and when people constantly ask when will their stuff be done is somewhat iffy to me ^^; Anyways feel free to give input and most definitely look forward to hopefully a great new style : )
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The first two revamped posts look really nice, Kairi *_* I'm looking forward to seeing the other new examples! \o/
I liked the black/red theme you had before but the new bright purple definitely makes the shop seem more "welcoming", as you mentioned, haha.
The first two revamped posts look really nice, Kairi *_* I'm looking forward to seeing the other new examples! \o/
I liked the black/red theme you had before but the new bright purple definitely makes the shop seem more "welcoming", as you mentioned, haha.

Thanks so much : D I did like my other layout, but wanted to ramp up the quality a bit if at all haha xD I feel I did a great job thus far and thanks so much : ) Plus it let's me be creative with my OC's 8'D

OMG DONE TT_TT Now for some new examples i.e. here is a new addition you can order-

---Framed Sigs

I will be looking forward to any new orders such slooooooooooooooow business 8'D hope everyone loves my new layout, so proud of it :3 I will also be adding a layouts section for 1+ pages of layout and various prices for how much work it will take (example-This whole layout took 3+ days and is an option when I add it^^)

I also simplified my forms as much as I could haha hope they're easier to understand^^

So with that said----COME ONE AND ALL AND ORDER!

P.S. Suggest prices if there are lower ones out there, I just want my hard work to mean something >__<

And in the nature of trying something for my revamp/ ta da!-----------------------------------

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yayyy so happy to see you're open again :D your work never ceases to amaze me ^^ i basically wanna order a remake of the old typography you made me before, just with a different font~

Username: asuka
Font(s): kg eyes wide open
Text/Name:asuka (lowercase~)
Total:80tbt (or 40 if you're still doing 50% off!)
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