~ kookey bits ~ my little chibi arts shop :D [CHECK INSIDE FOR STATUS]

It says you're looking for patchwork items. What are you looking for exactly? I have a few things from it.
Request: 2 non animated
Character(s): My mayor Ashelin and Zell please?
Emotion(s): all smiling with mouth closed please :)
Payment: 500k in ac bells

I'll add you to the list.

Request: 2 Frame Animation
Character(s): My mayor, Chrissy, and Francine
Emotion(s): Happy and Angry
Payment: Cornucopia and a bunch of saplings and bushes
Reference: http://oi40.tinypic.com/vihesk.jpg

Ahh I'm sorry, last slot just got full. :<

It says you're looking for patchwork items. What are you looking for exactly? I have a few things from it.

I need them all, I think, ahaha.
Ahaha sorry guys, I was going to draw a buttload during vacation, but got swept away because of xmas. Lots of family stuff. Almost barely could get time to play AC. :(

BUT I'll be back to drawing very soon. Gonna update my shop status now to let people know what's going. Sorry for the confusion! I'll be back soon and taking all your requests. :> So keep an eye out!
Eeee, I can't wait to see when you're open again, I'm excited to request something. Your style is really sweet. :blush:
Hiii everyone! Just letting you know, I'm still semi-closed, but I finally got time to upload and share with you guys some new styles I'll be hopefully offering soon!


First, a full body chibi in a style similar to what I've been already selling:

This will go up soon for sure. I'm just trying to find the time to first finish what's left on my commission list and then finalize this style. :)

And lastly, a detailed chibi:

This style I'm still contemplating if I have time to offer you guys. To start, I'd probably offer it in sketch, aka, something similar to how it is now, but down the line, it'll be even more detailed with lineart and color. Let me know if this is something you guys would like.
LOVE the full body and detailed chibis!!

If you ever decide to venture into animated avatars, I would be sooo happy. <3

I'll be lurking for a full body and also another headshot, changed my hair back to normal :3
Oh wow, your drawings are really cool, i hope i get to order from you someday! Super super cute.
are we allowed to use the villager pictures in your first post? or are they for the commissioners only?