Koopa's kave: a safe place where i can draw, write and more ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿข

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beautiful drawings as always, koopa! i love the shading you did on your gold king bomb-omb drawing ๐Ÿ’œ and your space aquatic creature drawings are so pretty oh my goodness!! i need a space oarfish collectible asap now ๐Ÿ’œ
(Oof I keep forgetting to update this thread ๐Ÿ˜…)

But anyways, I have quite a few doodles to share!

This one was made for my good friend @xSuperMario64x as a thank you for gifting me my Gold Jellyfish! I also decided to include one of his ocs, the Chomp King, who's barking at that boo because it foolishly tried to steal his crown while he was taking a royal nap ๐Ÿคญ


For this one, I decided to draw Sapphire and Chief, with their matching feathers ๐Ÿชถ! I also gave Chief a wizard hat as a reference to his cookie in pocket camp, which is Halloween themed!


I'm not sure why, but I got the random idea to draw Celeste in space, and i also decided to draw some Space Sheep as well, based on the sheep plush collectible! They're very generous creatures that like to gift those who treat them well star fragments! Plus, just like sheep on earth, Space Sheep wool is very soft and fluffy!
(Now I kinda wish I had a Space Sheep plush, unfortunately I don't know how to make plush toys lol)


This one is a doodle of a new Griffin oc I made! Her name is Nimbus, and while she's quite small for a Griffin, she does still enjoy soaring through the clouds, and going on adventures!


This next one is another oc I made, named Amethyst! His name comes from the stone on his forehead, which he was born with. I plan to do much more with him and Nimbus in the future, so stay tuned for that! I also have a toyhouse bio for him, which you can read right Here!

I also decided to draw him chilling with a Nightmare Egg to match the color of his stone because why not
I decided to draw two of my favorite shiny Dragon pokemon today: Shiny Dipplin and Shiny Noibat!

I'm currently hunting for a Shiny Noibat in ultra sun via the sos method, and I plan on hunting for a shiny applin to evolve into a shiny Dipplin in Pokemon Violet soon! I love these guys, especially Shiny Noibat since it's color scheme reminds me of mint chocolate ice cream lol
(Oof this thread's got cobwebs growing on it hjfghhssks)

Anyways, hi guys! It been a while lol. I have some sad news, during my hiatus my tablet has unfortunately kicked the bucket. It had been acting really slow which made it difficult to draw with, plus its battery would drain pretty fast, going to like 100% to 85% in 15 minutes. And i guess one day it decided it was just done and stopped turning on altogether. (Rip 2021-2024) :cry:

However, all is not lost! After my tablet broke my parents bought me a new laptop, and a new Wacom Tablet to draw with! Unfortunately they make you pay for Sketchbook pro to use it on this laptop, but i have found a different art program to use instead, Krita! I've been playing around with it for a bit, it's pretty cool! I did need to watch a few YouTube tutorials to get used to the interface though
(Plus Krita lets you make animations, which is something i can't wait to try)

Anyways, here's a warm up doodle i did in Krita!

Saphire and pancakes.jpg

I drew Goro Akechi from Persona 5 as a Kitsune villager bothering Sapphire, who's just trying to enjoy his pancakes in peace:LOL: