Cycling Koriko [BOXES: Boomer the lazy penguin] [MOVED IN: Cesar the cranky gorilla]

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Got Roscoe - just lurking for Whitney now :)
Thanks for letting me know. Should let you know, in turn, that Whitney would have a sale topic started for her, if she is still 'tier 1,' or unless I start giving away 'tier 1' villagers again (which may happen by the time she shows up).


Mathilda has been adopted.

Knox the cranky chicken has moved in.

Ava the normal chicken is 'in boxes.'


Anyone want her?
Lurking for knox and possibly reserving him? Up to you of course :)
Cool to see someone wants Knox. Sorry, I do not reserve, but I will send a VM to you right away when he is 'in boxes,' and I tend to hold onto villagers for an hour or several hours.
Yay, a town with two uchi villagers... just gotta wait then!

Jay the jock bird has moved in.

Flo the uchi penguin is 'in boxes.'


I know two people are lurking for her (well, the member above is looking for an uchi, but I do not prioritize based on reasons for getting the villager), so I will VM them now. They have one hour to claim Flo, after which I will VM the first person to ask for her.
Unfortunately, have not heard back from the people who might be interested in Flo, so moving on with cycling.


Yuka the snooty koala has moved in.

Marcel the lazy dog is 'in boxes.'


Anyone want him?
Can I reserve Chadder. I want him. he was in my old town and i deleted it because of very ugly villagers. I want him BAD!

Kevin the jock pig has moved in.

Sydney the normal koala is 'in boxes.'


Anyone want her?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Can I reserve Chadder. I want him. he was in my old town and i deleted it because of very ugly villagers. I want him BAD!
Although I do not reserve (each villager is first come, first serve), I will certainly send you a VM when he is 'in boxes,' and I tend to keep a villager for an hour or several hours. By the way, at least one other person is lurking for Chadder.
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Benjamin the lazy dog a moved in.

Knox the cranky chicken is 'in boxes.'


I will give Tsunando one hour to claim Knox, after which anyone may ask for him.
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Im interested in Knox :u Just started my new town so no dreamie proof yet
(I like Benjamin so much it makes me happy to see people wanting him heh)

halo Zulehan. Going to be lurking for Bianca.

Knox has been adopted.

Alice the normal koala has moved in.

Jay the jock bird is 'in boxes.'


Guinevere44, who was lurking for Jay, gets one hour to claim him. After that, I will give Jay to whoever (if anyone) asked first.
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