Man, the game done trolled you good. Wishing you well getting back down to nine villagers on time. Hopefully the game does not troll me, too, and have Hamphrey move out next.Hamphrey was in my campsite today.I swear this game messes with me.Of course i have 10 villagers.Sooooo.I'll be lurking for him.Hopefully i can get down to 9 villagers soon.
Heh. That is quite a plan. The only remotely similar plan I had (if I could call it a plan): Bonbon moved into my cycling town, and I was going to move her to the main after changing her catchphrase, etc. But then I made a rare cycling mistake and she entered the 'void.' That is when Maruchan came to the rescue for me, and got Bonbon from the 'void' into her cycling town. And from there I picked up Bonbon. Not the 'cleanest' adoption into the main town, but it'll do.Okay so this... Is...exciting. I have yet to have Bill in ACNL. What I'm gunna do is move him to my second town so when I move him to my main... he will sing is Elle Driver's whistle from Kill Bill. His catchphrase is gunna be Kiddo. This is a well thought out plan.
So glad you got Bill. And no way was I about to move on with cycling while a friend was looking to pick up a villager.I've been waiting to do this forever. Hopefully that gap of time doesn't cost me getting him.
It is confirmed that I still have you added. So whenever yer free I can pick him up. Thank you for holding him that long!
No problem at all. And glad you were able to get Rodeo. Thank you for the tip, too!whooo! I'm here for Rodeo! Sorry, I went golfing hoping he wouldn't be in boxes during that time, but I had this crazy feeling on the second hole that I might be missing him! Thanks Zulehan for holding him, I appreciate it more than you know! I can come get him anytime, jut give me the word!
All my dreamies have been obtained - I am no longer lurker for Scoot!
Thank you Zulehan ^_^
I am glad you found Scoot, Panda!All my dreamies have been obtained - I am no longer lurker for Scoot!
Thank you Zulehan ^_^
Thank you for letting me know, Nuileaf!not lurking for chester anymore![]()
Sure. I will send you a VM/PM soon as the hour runs down if I do not hear back from the lurkers.If the lurkers dont respond,may I have Lopez?