Trading Kyle the wolf in boxes!

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Senior Member
Oct 22, 2013
100% (130) +
I have Kyle in boxes right now! Am mainly looking for Francine, Fang, or bells. But I'll consider all offers too, even if it's not one of those. Would just like to get him out decently fast. :p
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If you can I will love you forever!!! xD And I am in no hurry if it is for her! I have Chrissy and would like to have Francine to go with her. :3 So cute.

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Ooh! I'll try to kick Francine out! Though that may prove difficult.

Hey how many people do you have in your town currently? If you have space you can go ahead and take him. :) And then if and when francine decides to leave if I don't get her through my campsite I can get her from you. And if not then that's perfectly fine too. :D That is of course if you have space and want him.
I already have 10 villagers. :c
Felicity is proving to be a good gossiper so I'll get Francine out today eventually.
Haha okie dokie then. I have 9 including Kyle so when she pings it won't be a problem for me to get her. Then you can come snag him from me. I'll keep checking on here from time to time to check up. If for some reason she doesn't ping today I will be around tomorrow too so I can just set back the time tonight before bed, if need be. :) Tyvm btw!
I already have 10 villagers. :c
Felicity is proving to be a good gossiper so I'll get Francine out today eventually.
Just thought I would check in with you. :) See if maybe I need to go ahead and set the time back on my game for you. Not sure how much longer I will be awake. :p
She just doesn't want to move. =A= So frustrating.
And then I accidentally TT Harry out... whoops.
Least it's one less animal to ask.
True true lol. Harry is kinda creepy I think. Lol. I went ahead and set the time back for you :) so he'll be waiting.

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Seems that's always my luck too. A villager will ping tons until I really want them to leave. It's like they know. xD
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True true lol. Harry is kinda creepy I think. Lol. I went ahead and set the time back for you :) so he'll be waiting.
Thanks, sorry it's taking so long. -w-''

Seems that's always my luck too. A villager will ping tons until I really want them to leave. It's like they know. xD

I know. D:
Oh no worries! I know he is a dreamie for you and all so I really have no problem holding him :) I understand these little terds can be stubborn lol.
Yeah, I'm going to take a short break. 3 hours with no success...
How much longer are you staying up for?
I'll probably stay up till the wee hours; if I do end up getting her to ping I'll set the clock back and hold her till tomorrow when you can pick her up.
Ok thank you! Probably for another hour or so. I'm us central time and normally go to bed around 12ish. But I'll be back up at a decent time tomorrow and will be home all day so I can pick her up whenever tomorrow. I don't blame ya for taking a break. Sometimes you have to lol. Or I'd get mad xD
I just woke up so I'll be checking back on here for ya throughout the day :) good luck on getting her out.
WOOT! xD Well I am ready whenever you are :3 Am I still picking up first or would you like to? I will go ahead and add you. :p So just leme know and I can either open my gates or head that way.
I'm going to go to the movies with my mother in a few of minute, so in an hour or so you can pick her up.

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Nvm, You can pick her up right now while I get ready to leave.
Ok that's fine! Then would you like for me to hurry back and open my gates for you? Or do you want me to hold onto him until you get home?
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