last person to post wins

I've come to make an announcement:

Shadow the Hedgehog's a :lemon: :lemon: mother:lemon:. He :lemon: on my :lemon: wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog :lemon: quilly :lemon: out and he :lemon: on my :lemon: wife and he said his :lemon: was "this big" and I said "that's disgusting".

So I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com: Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small :lemon:, its the size of this walnut except way smaller. And guess what? Here's what my :lemon: looks like. That's right baby, all point, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a :lemon:.

He :lemon: my wife so guess what? I'm gonna :lemon: the Earth. That's right this is what you get, MY SUPER LASER :lemon:. Except I'm not :lemon: on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher, I'M :lemon: ON THE MOON. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT OBAMA, I :lemon: ON THE MOON YOU :lemon:!

You have twenty-three hours before the :lemon: drop-el-ets hit the :lemon: Earth, now get out of my :lemon: sight, before I :lemon: on you too.

I’m so sorry