last person to post wins

Pokemanz, sthap.
That's my cats name. Pokemanz. Not really, it's just pokemon but i feel like if i say it wrong, it annoys her.
so what's the post limit on threads before they are closed?

because if there is no limit, this thread will continue to keep on going and there will never be a winner​
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Idk, if there is, you have to close it or let it die for a few months so people don't necro it

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so what's the post limit on threads before they are closed?

because if there is no limit, this thread will continue to keep on going and there will never be a winner​

there's no limit, my friend
have you seen the "banned" thread? :/
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Just change the order of the threads if you want to look them up, cant remember the exact name but then you can show back from when it started
lol yeah i accidentally clicked that once and I got some GBA SP threads back from 2000-something or whatever lol

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yeah if you click "last post by" you can see back from 2005 lol