Don't Need Words
|3ut yu @r3 f@k3 $3np@3y3
Why did I try to read that
|3ut yu @r3 f@k3 $3np@3y3
Why did I try to read that
you aren't kawaii enough, i understand the struggle.
No you don't your the most Kawaii thing ever
th3 k@w@|||n3$$ |$ r3@l
@@@@@@@@@@WWWWWWWWWWWW $3|\|P@1 |\|0+1C3D M11
@@@@@@@@@@WWWWWWWWWWWW $3|\|P@1 |\|0+1C3D M11
Snap out of it.
you are the new $$$$$33333|\|PPPPPPPP@@@@@1111111111
I was making fun of the |<@\/\/@11 posts, ya dingus!
Senpai noticed! What happens now? What is the meaning of life once senpai notices me .-.?
Time for bed zzz.