last person to post wins

Wanna know why I always keep nukes in my living room? So if I ever get angry, I can just nuke Canada. Because screw Canada.

Woah there, s0n. Going to have to stop you right there. We have some very staunch supports of Canada here who are Canadian... :rolleyes:
Wanna know why I always keep nukes in my living room? So if I ever get angry, I can just nuke Canada. Because screw Canada.

..... If you're gonna nuke where I live, then I will no longer be among the living. Is that your goal so I can't post anymore?
I just realized, the answer has been in front of me this entire time.

The word that will take over this thread and replace meep is...

I see Wooloo has taken the spot of Meep. Therefore I must return to my survival bunker.

I will return.