Last Post Wins! #2

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Hello again it is 6 in the morning and I am still tired from Saturday.
It was more of a barbecue party where I got to swim in my uncle's pool and have an evening walk with three of my friends. I could of slept over there but Dad wouldn't let me. We had music playing and all of us discovered a grow in the dark room. Oh, my three friends were prank calling for a while, and I watched my brother play the Xbox with two of his friends.
Pff... No one danced but people drank. I had 2 1/2 soft drinks.
2day in soc this hoe came into da clazroom and she legit was dis hoe and she had liek 5 piercings in her noze and i could full c her ass and den i liek 'hu dis stoopid hoe' den teacher liek 'jaek u do not say **** liek diz 2 hoez' and then hoe walk out and flash ever1 her ass xo
2day dis lesbian forced me to touch her boob and then 10 seconds later i got a text and my friend was in a car crash, r u trying 2 tell me sumfin???
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