Speaking of band, my band is going to Oregon state band finals on May 9th! Hope you guys do good at your thing. I don't think I could spend a week with my band though.
I'm back! Here's the rundown of what happened:
Wednesday morning: left school at 8:30 and rode the bus to a mall in Connecticut where we ate lunch.
Wednesday afternoon: got to Boston and went to the Science museum to watch an Imax film.
Wednesday night: Went to dinner at a mall. Went to Yankee Candle with a bunch of my friends where we smelled candles for at least a half an hour before buying one called Fluffy Towel.
Thursday morning: Performances start. Our concert band goes on, we get a standing ovation.
Thursday afternoon: Performances continue. My jazz band goes on, another standing ovation.
Friday morning: Performances end with winterguard. The award ceremonies start. One of our jazz bands, the Moonglowers, killed the crowd be performing a song. We got first in every category except percussion ensemble and winterguard, which we got second in.
Saturday morning: Went on the duck tours.
Saturday night: Went to the rave.
Sunday: Drove home.
I had a great time and I can't wait to go next year to Disney! I'm also to be back to TBT, I missed you all.