Sure! For the first one, is this also a cut-out, or is this just a sign/flag/design? If it's a cut-out, where would you like your "head" to be?please could I have 2 custom stands?
For the first one, night sky with a full moon in corner, and the words 'Teen Wolf' next to it or above or something?
The second one something like this
Standing up and you can put your head inside the head? Sorry if this is too hard :/. I can pay more?
Sorry I didn't use the form! Just thought it would be easier if I explained them like this.
My town is wolf themed so gotta have some teen wolf in there lol
As for the second half, did you mean you want your head to be the head of the werewolf? Or did you want your head -inside- the werewolf's mouth? *blink* *omnomnom*
I'll add you to my list! Thanks for the order (yay kimonos!).
Order: I'd like a long sleeve dress or Kimono
Additional info:I'd like the belt to be of a slightly darker color just so it stands out more.
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