Least favorite/favorite villagers in ACNH?

My favorites are any of the cats except Tabby, Monique, and Moe. I especially like Mitzi (I love Siamese cats and I share a lot of traits with the Normal type) and Merry (too cute and white cats are my faves.) I do tend to prefer the cats with noses.

Honorable mentions are the wolves Audie and Skye and some of the horses. Julian is such a unique design. I like Roscoe and Savannah too. I had both of them on my last save and kept them longer than I planned.

I dislike most of the gorillas and all the mice. I detest rodents in real life. Must be my pro- cat bias. 😼
I don't dislike a lot of villagers but I hate Rizzo. He's so terrible looking!! Why is he wearing his headscarf like that? It's bad lol
And Chow is terrifying with his teeth smile though. He'd be kinda cute if he didn't look like a demon half the time.

My top favorites are Marshal, Raymond, (original I know), Daisy<3<3<3, Zell, Maggie, Agnes, and a few others I can't name off the top of my head right now. I haven't played in a long time!
Ohhh I have a long list lol but here is the top:

Favorites: Rosie <3 <3 <3 Stitches <3 <3 <3 Cherry, Ellie, Butch, Ketchup, Tipper, Flurry, Kid Cat, Apollo, Soliel, Clay, Fuchsia, Fauna, Mira, Chrissy, Hamlet, Poncho, Judy, Jeremiah, Leonardo, Julian, Kiki, Maple, Merengue, Shari, Plucky, Shep, Sprinkle, Marina, Tutu and Twiggy

Least Favorites: Sylvia is my least favorite for sure, but Lucky, Coco, Pietro, Mathilda, Diva, Limberg, and Coach are also there too.
Favorite: Julian
Least Favorite(s): Based solely on design since I've never had him, Beardo. It used to be Angus, but he trolled me and my friend so good I can't help but admire him. Angus stuck around so long in New Leaf (before the amiibo update), and when I finally got rid of him, he went to my best friend. Well, he showed up again in New Horizons initially, but I had amiibo and booted him swiftly. A few weeks later, I received a very annoyed message. Apparently, he went to my best friend again.
I like wolves and deer and cats. I dislike rhinos and anteaters and mice and tigers and gorillas and kangaroos. I'm working on an all wolf island. As for individual villagers, I really did not like Truffles. And I've booted a lot of villagers without getting their photos. But I've been surprised to like some more than I expected, like Jacques and Judy.
My favourites have to be Beau, Fauna, Dobie, Audie and Skye

Least favourites are Hazel, Renee, Freckles and Sparro

I have a dislike towards sparro for being so stubborn and staying on my island far too long whilst i was trying to get Fauna hehe
The first two unfavorites that come to mind... Agnes and Clyde

Favorites? I have a lot, but to name a few
Punchy, Mitzi, Lolly, Ankha, Wolfgang, Chevre
Least Favorite: Rocket, I am so sorry but her character design is so damn ugly I cannot stand her.
Most Favorite: Lucky, Coco, Muffy, Drago, Kabuki, Zell, Stitches, Genji, Fauna, Julian, and Cherry. They're all just so dang adorable!
Marcie, the normal marsupial, is my enemy. Sherb moved out, and Marcie suddenly moved in without permission since I didn't realize that would happen. She was just annoying and I hated her. I quickly replaced her with Agnes. Huck is also my enemy since I really wanted him since he was at my campsite, he would not move in, then finally I convinced him but he wanted to kick out Melba.

Melba, the normal marsupial, and Tangy are my best friends. Both of them are just adorable. Melba is the definition of "precious" and Tangy is a really fun cat. They were two of my first villagers and they will never leave.