Least favorite pizza toppings?

I had a neighbor that put ketchup on her pizza. I really didn't get that and it sounds gross.

From what I've tried, I'm not a fan of black olives or pineapple on pizza. But I usually like all pizza and I'll just eat it if it's there :p
Green olives, so gross, and bell peppers, and any kind of peppers really. I have peppers. =[
While I was skimming through this thread I was just shaking my head no at everything. Y'all are crazy, most of the stuff you guys said is delicious on pizza. If I had to choose the worst pizza toppings it would probably be goat cheese, avocado, and bacon all together on one pizza. My dad used a small portion of his pizza dough to make it and it was the worst of it's batch. It wasn't really even all that bad, I had seconds.
I enjoy most things on pizza, I guess my least favourite would just be 4 cheese pizza. But if I had to choose a worst topping, it would probably be anchovies.
also goat cheese... in general cheese that is not as the main sauce really

and beets ew
Any sorta of seafood topping or veges, aside from green peppers.
i have it's nice actually

yeah shrimp is kinda yuck but i'm trying to like it lol
seafood/meat because vegetarian but i hate any other type of cheese apart from mozzarella on a pizza. four cheese is just the worst. also i hate mushrooms